Chapter 212: Always By Your Side
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
At that very moment, a great shaking began to occur all over the capital. Alicia who was currently hugging her sisters and crying, whole body shook, making her quickly snap out of her current state and release her sisters.
"Blake!" Alicia yelled and stretched out her hand.
"I felt it too but what happened!?" Blake came into the room and grabbed the outstretched hand in front of him. As soon as his hand came in contact with Alicia's, they were transported to the room where she had the levitation magic circle going.
"Someone broke it! Where are the guards!?" Alicia yelled causing the men from outside to come running in. She looked at the two guards who looked as if they had just woken up and frowned.
"What happened? Explain everything!" Alicia yelled, her anger very apparent.
"We, we do not know ourselves, Princess. We were standing guard as usual and suddenly felt very tired. Next thing we know we felt the great shaking that woke us up!" One guard hurriedly explained he did not dare lie.
"Great, just great! Someone used sleeping magic on you and knocked you out! Did you not see anyone come down the hall before you passed out?" Alicia asked. She was doing her best to keep her anger in check. She knew since it was sleeping magic that was used the guards were not at fault here.
"No, Princess, we saw no one." The guards both lowered their heads in shame.
"Okay, go and bring as many mages as you can! If we do not stop our descent everyone in the capital will die including us! We will put my all into slowing us down for now. " Alicia wanted to slap herself. She did not think to put a barrier around the magic circle. She made such a mistake and now millions of people might die because of it!
"Blake, I still have so much more to learn… I need you to work on the magic circle while I do my best to hold us in the air." Alicia looked at Blake, her eyes filled with determination.
"I will work as fast as I can." Blake replied. He knew he couldn't stop her and that it was the best decision at this time. Not wasting time he began weaving his arms about trying to reform the magic circle as it was before.
Alicia's body disappeared from where she was and reappeared above the capital. A large amount of magic power burst out of her body spreading out over the entire capital and around the entire floating landmass. Stream after stream of Magicules formed thick ropes made of magic shooting out in all directions wrapping itself around the entire landmass with Alicia at its center.
Luckily the magic circles that were placed at the edges of the landmass were still intact. But the main magic circle was very intricate and a lot of it Alicia did not understand. She needed help from the senior mages in order to create it. But it would take time to find those mages which they did not have right now. This is why she left Blake to start the formation of the main magic circle since he also helped make it. Only she had the power to hold the capital in the air while they waited for the main magic circle to be rebuilt. She hoped that the remaining magic power within the smaller circles would be enough to reconnect them to the main circle without the additional magic power being infused into it.
But Alicia never realized how hard this task would be. Once she wrapped the capital in her ropes made of magic that were all attached to her, she felt like her whole body was going to break apart. She stood in the air using everything she had trying to keep the capital afloat. All her concentration was completely focused on this one task and this one task alone.
Sweat filled her brow as she continued exerting her magic power. Her eyes had already become completely black. There was a hint of a starry night sky in her eyes. It was faint but it was visible if one were to look closely. But even with her surge of magic power from her celestial blood, Alicia was still struggling to hold on. She could feel her body on the verge of giving out.
"I have to preserve!" Alicia cried out through gritted teeth.
A drop of sweat dripped from her chin. She started to feel herself becoming overwhelmed with tiredness. The starry night sky in her eyes was becoming more and more visible. But even still Alicia felt like she was going to collapse. Her body felt frail, the capital she was so desperately trying to hold up was lowering by the second. Until finally her body couldn't hold on any longer and everything began to grow dark. She felt her body suddenly lifted up and pulled into a warm embrace. A familiar scent filled her nose.
" I can't hold on..." Alicia said softly.
"It's fine now, I am always by your side Akari… No matter how far away I am, I am always by your side."
Golden light spread throughout the capital, the magic circle that those below were desperately trying to create instantly reformed, and changed into an even more sophisticated design. Everyone who was in the rooms was forced out while a blue barrier that seemed thicker than the castle walls surrounded it. Inside dozens of magic circles appeared all spinning in unison seemingly all part of one another. The barrier that once surrounded the capital was now bigger and even better than before. The landmass the capital sat on rose even higher into the air and hovered steadily as if nothing had ever happened.
"Remember Akari, my darling daughter. Mother will always watch over you…."
Chapter 213: A Strange Family Meeting
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
Alicia's vision was already dark. But the familiar aura, scent, and gentle words were something she would never forget no matter which life she was in. This was undoubtedly her mother. Her mother had come to see her! All her worry and desperation vanished as she gave in to the tiredness of her body and drifted off to sleep.
The woman floating in the air looked down warmly at the little girl in her arms. "I finally got to hear your voice." Tears rolled down the woman's cheeks as she gently hugged Alicia. The warm and kind expression on her face showed how deeply she cared for the girl in her arms. She looked up to see two figures appearing in front of her. Her eyes narrowed at the two old men. The space around them suddenly seemed to be blocked off from any outside interference.
"Young Miss, it seems you have been tampering with this world a lot recently." One of the old men said. He had a long white beard that he stroked as he spoke.
"I am only making sure my daughter has a good life. Is there something wrong with that? Did I interfere during the war?" The women asked. She showed no fear towards the two old men.
"Hoho! So this little girl is yours then? Hmmm? Her soul shows she is not of pure blood but the other mix is also very ancient, maybe even more ancient than your own..." The old man's eyes showed a bit of surprise. He then turned his gaze back to the woman. "The family would like you to return. You can also bring your daughter. Her strength alone, at her age, is enough to be at the top of the younger generation."
"I can not return and neither will she unless she so chooses to when she gets older. For now, she will grow in this world. Although her soul may be of the celestial race it still takes time for a mortal body to change. But this girl keeps overexerting her powers making the fusions too fast. Which will cause complications later..." The woman's eyes showed a hint of worry.
"Young Miss, If you would like I will stay in this world and watch over her. You should rest. Sending a projection of yourself through time and space will shorten your lifespan by millions of years! At this rate, you will not be able to ascend!" The old man was truly worried about the woman in front of him. She was the young miss of their clan. She was to inherit the entire clan in the future.
"I know… I will take you up on your offer, but you must promise me to not force her to go anywhere unless she is willing." The woman said seriously.
"This old man gives his word. I will watch over her and help her if she runs into a situation like this again. Old Fen, give some power back to the Young Miss. It will help offset this time's projection." The old man said to the old man standing at his side.
Old Fen nodded his head and placed his hand on the woman's head sending a burst of power into her body. "Young Miss, please try to make it back within a few million years."
"Mmm… It won't even take that long. I plan to be back within a thousand years. At that time I will bring Akari with me. Tell the clan head… my father, I will visit soon. But he must remember us Celestials are nomads." The woman replied.
"We may be nomads at a young age but as we grow older we need to settle down as well. Otherwise, we will never reach the higher realms." The old man with a white beard smiled and said.
"Humph! Is becoming a true god truly that important? Though I say this, to strive to reach such a realm is part of us Cesltials as well. But won't father be mad at me for having a daughter that is not full celestial? I was told from young that it was taboo." The woman asked.
"It is supposed to be, but your daughter has become an exception in the clan. Her abilities are so high that the elders have decided to make her the only exception. But you will be reprimanded for giving blood to an outsider. Luckily he is to be the little girl's husband in the future, which in order to not make your daughter not resent us, we have decided to allow him to marry into the family and not kill him. But if he ever breaks off the engagement with her, I will kill him myself." The old man said with a smile at the start but turned sinister at the end.
"Then It seems my daughter will be in good hands. Old Mu, although I should be the one to do it, I hope you can protect my daughter. This world has a lot of things going on. If she is about to die, please save her. If this world is on the brink of being destroyed take her and her little husband away by force if you have to. No matter what she is my pride and joy. I had to kill her once with my own hands just to protect her. I do not want her to experience death ever again." The woman pleaded as she stroked Alicia's cheek.
Old Mu, smiled at the woman. "Young Miss has grown up so much since the last time I saw you all those millions of years ago. You have truly become an excellent mother. I will make sure your daughter lives millions of years. But I will only assist when she is not able to handle it and is on the brink of death. Otherwise, she will not grow. Luckily it seems she will at least have a bit of peace for a while now."
"I thank you then." The woman bowed towards Old Mu before floating forward and placing Alicia into his arms. "My time is up, I will not appear again until her father has passed. Only then will I come to this planet in my physical form."
The woman reached out and caressed Alicia's cheek before leaning forward and kissing Alicia's forehead. "Akari, Mother will go now. She will not be back again for a few hundreds of years but this time will pass by in a blink of an eye. At that time we will be reunited." After saying her words her body disappeared. Vanishing from the world.
Old Mu looked at the girl in his arms and then turned to see the boy waiting outside waiting for the barrier to be dropped. He then turned his gaze to Old Fen who was next to him. "Report back to the Clan I will stay in this world as I have promised."