Chapter 221: Fierce Battle At The Foot of Moon Clave Mountain Part Two

Phantasia: The Princess Knight

The girl looked at Alex, trying to get a grasp on the way this young human spoke. She could see that there was no hatred in Alex's voice as he said these things, he was calmed and composed. It was as if the conclusion he came upon were the natural result of what will and should happen. "You are very strange for a human." The girl finally said after a few moments of silence.

"Hmmm, probably because I am not human. To be honest, I do not want to fight you. I was hoping you could take your brethren and leave and find a spot, not near any human settlements and take up home. If you did it within the borders of Alastine I would be willing to find you a safe spot for you and your clan to flourish. As long as you did not attack the citizens of Alastine no one would ever bother you or hunt you down. But I really can't do that…. I have to ask are the humans you took from the surrounding villages dead?" Alex asked. He had to know if the villagers were dead or not. If they were still alive he could negotiate. This is also why he said what he said.

"Since when would there be leftover food?" The girl looked at Alex as if he was crazy. Who would waste food!?

Sighing Alex drew his sword, he could not show mercy to someone who harmed the citizens of Alastine. "Since they are dead then there is no point in trying to negotiate with you. You killed my people, I killed yours, there is no chance for pice now. Either you and your kin will die here on this mountain or I will."

Alex was resolute in this decision. He could not let this girl go any longer. He had hoped to have been able to negotiate for those who were alive but it seemed that it was all for naught. The girl seeing Alex draw his sword quickly got into a defensive stance. She wasted no time at all as she waved her hand sending a barrage of fireballs at Alex.

Alex was quite surprised to see how strong this magic attack was. Although it used only simple fireballs the sheer amount and size showed just how much magic power this girl had. Alex quickly waved his hand and created a large wall of water to block the attack before sending out a wave of wind blades.

But the girl was not so easily defeated, as she was able to quickly dodge the wind blades. She twisted and turned her body as she slipped by each blade of wind. It was almost as if she was dancing as she dodged.

Frowning Alex realized in a fight with magic, where he had to hold back from not destroying things around him. The two of them were basically on even in strength. Alex could only resort to using his sword while using magic as a diversion.

Alex knew this would be an issue for him during his journey. He would only be able to use small scale magic, magic that would not harm the environment too much. Wind magic was the least damaging since once it hit the ground it would only leave a mark and vanish. Water and earth magic was also another good choice. Fire and lightning would cause magic damage that could leave lasting effects such as burning down parts of a forest and destroying an area.

As Alex closed in on the girl, the girl smiled and charged at Alex. Her hands turned into sharp wolf claws and slashed out at Alex. Her attack sent out a ray of hot hair that when it touched something it would burn it to ash immediately.

Alex had no choice but to dodge and jump back. He waved his hand causing the ground underneath the girl to shake and raise up out of the ground. The girl was tossed off balance and fell down on to her butt. Alex took this chance to teleport to her and then stepped on the girl's chest, pointing his sword to her throat.

"This could have ended nicely if you did not kill people. But you raided the towns and killed hundreds of citizens from my Kingdom. It is too bad you worked hard all these years, reached twelve stars, only to die in the hands of your enemy. " After Alex finished his words he thrust his sword out but quickly stopped his hand when he felt a mass of influx of Magicules. He looked down to see the girl's body under his foot beginning to expand!

"Hahaha! If I am to die this day then so be it! I will take you with me! Die Human!" The girl let out a maniacal laugh.

Alex's face turned black. The girl meant to kill herself by self detonating. This would not only destroy part of Moon Clave mountain but the surrounding area! You couldn't stop a self detonation once one started it! Alex quickly teleported away high into the sky. Hoping that he was out of the detonation range he quickly covered himself in shields to block the oncoming explosions.

Three seconds later…


A great explosion rocked the area sending dust and debris up into the sky. Alex's shield stood strong as the blast wave hit him. Only when the blast was over did he look down to see a massive scene of destruction. Half the forest in front of the mountain was gone, along with part of the mountain as well. All that was left was a large crater.