Chapter 224: White Haired Old Man Part One
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
Clothes muddied and mud also smeared on her face, Alicia looked around her and decided on a direction. The place she was in seemed to be a swamp, besides that she had no idea where she was. All she knew was she could not use magic and could not feel the Magicules in the air. She did however feel something else in the air but was not sure about what this was. But she was sure that it was not Magicules.
"I guess my first mission will be to secure some food and shelter for now. It is best to not roam too much until I find out where I am exactly." Alicia was doing her best trudging through the mud that was ankle deep. She had a long stick in her hand probing the ground ahead of her looking solid ground she walked.
Not too far from her location, she could see a rocky wall. She was hoping by making her way there she could see some kind of overhang of some sort to use as cover. She only needed a place she could use as a base camp to work out of. She would then leave markers to find her way back as she continued to explore further out from the base. As well as mark other areas that could be used for base camps in the future if needed.
After an hour Alicia made it to the rock wall which turned out to be a tall cliff. Along the cliff, she was lucky to find a cave that seemed to run pretty deep into the cliffside. She stood at the entrance of the cave looking in. She wondered if this was the true exit to the place she had found herself in earlier.
With her sword, ready Alicia entered the cave. Because of how dark it was Alicia could not see a single thing which made her frown. She did not want to risk staying someplace if it was not safe. It was at times like this that Alicia wished she had magic so she could make a few balls of light and send them down into the cave to get a better view. Alicia let out a sigh: "It seems over the years I became too reliant on magic..."
Alicia walked out of the cave and looked around her surroundings. She quickly found a large branch and a bunch of dry tinder and some green vines to use as a strapping. She figured she could at least make a makeshift torch. She already knew how to start a fire without magic, using the things around her so she went to work quickly using the vines on the thick branch she found creating a small basket at one end of it. After she was done she stuffed it with some small branches and some tinder. After getting a spark and some smoldering tinder she quickly put it in her torch blowing on it creating a flame. She knew it would not last long but it would allow her to at least get an idea of what was inside the cave. She even gathered up a pile of small branches to take with her to keep it going for as long as possible.
Alicia once again entered the cave this time with both sword and torch in hand. She walked down into the cave for quite some time. The rocks were black and smooth. Almost like someone had come and polished them by hand. They reflected the light of the torch allowing for more visibility as Alicia ventured in.
At one point the cave took a sharp turn which Alicia was happy to see that this portion of the cave was at least dimly lit. There were many glowing rocks embedded into the side of the cave and scattered about on the floor. She quickly collected a few so that she could use them if needed.
After a few more twists and turns Alicia finally came upon what seemed to be the end of the cave. It was a large room with a small stream flowing through it. One side of the stream was flowing out of the wall a little higher up like a waterfall as it tricked down the side of the wall. While the other end of the stream flowed up under the wall on the other side. What made Alicia like this place was the fact that the water here glowed a faint blue color.
Alicia noticed on the other side of the stream was a small opening that had some light coming from it. This light did not seem to be a natural source of light so Alicia became very cautious. Although she felt it might be dangerous, Alicia still stepped forward and walked towards the light.
When she reached the opening she ran her hand over the smooth surface of the entrance. It was as if someone had taken a sword and cut a hole in the wall by slicing through it. This small detail made Alicia's curiosity rise as she made her way down a small thin passage. When she got to the end where the light was its brightest, what Alicia saw stunned her.
It was a room! A room that was carved out of the stone that made up the cave. But what gave her a start was an old man in purple robes. He had long white hair and a long white beard to match. He was sitting upon a stone bed carved from the rock wall, crossed legged with his eyes closed.
Alicia stood there frozen not knowing if she should leave or try to speak to the man. She truly wanted to know where she was but she did not want to disturb the old man who seemed to be in a special state. But before Alicia could make up her mind the old man's eyes opened and locked on to Alicia. He then looked at the sword in her hand. His brow furrowed but smoothed back out when he sensed no killing intent. "Little lady, what can this old man do for you?"