Chapter 11: Task Settlement (Please Favorite, Recommend)

[Descending Ceremony Completion Evaluation: S (Your ritual has received special favor from the God of Knowledge)]

[Advent Effect Completion Evaluation: A (You successfully completed the advent of an offspring of the God of Knowledge)]

[Side Quest Completion Evaluation: A (You killed 7/8 of the attacking enemies)]

[Hidden Task Completion Evaluation: SSS (You executed perfect revenge on the God of Knowledge)]

[Your overall evaluation is: S]

He Ao, looking at the detailed evaluations in front of him, immediately understood why the system had not settled immediately after the mission was completed—it turned out that the remaining 90 seconds of buffer time were also included in the final calculation of the mission.

There should be nothing to say about the Descending Ceremony, He Ao was confident in his own meticulousness.

It seems the Advent Effect requires not only the advent but also the restoration of the Evil God's Offspring's power, so had He Ao decided to sacrifice himself at that time, he might have received an S evaluation.

The side quest must have been about dealing with the enemies. He didn't kill Selena at the end, so he only got an A evaluation.

That is to say, had he conducted the ceremony dutifully, like a qualified Evil God Priest killing everyone and then sacrificing himself, then he might have obtained three S evaluations.

However, He Ao definitely would not do that because, after all, he is a law-abiding good person.

Moreover, by doing so, he wouldn't have received Talent Sequence 272.

Yes, after returning to the real world, he still felt the presence of Talent Sequence 272. This talent sequence seemed to be soul-bound, or perhaps it was brought back by the power of the system; in any case, this talent sequence worth ten million, he seemed to have it permanently.

What a profit.

Even if he had received three S evaluations, his overall evaluation would still be just S, which is the same as his current overall S rating.

He shifted his gaze to the hidden task. The phrase 'executed perfect revenge on the God of Knowledge' was very interesting. He Ao himself definitely had no grudge against the God of Knowledge; where would a good person like him have any enemies?

So, this phrase was most likely from the perspective of 'Yezola.' From Yezola's point of view, he had become a half-mad monster who had painstakingly summoned an offspring for the God of Knowledge, all for the sake of 'eternal life.'

But in the end, the so-called 'eternal life' was nothing but a scam, simply tricking him into willingly working himself to death to end up as nourishment for the God of Knowledge.

From Yezola's perspective, He Ao could feel his rage and unwillingness.

Yezola was not just a mechanical program working for the God of Knowledge; he had his own emotions, greed, and resentment.

And He Ao's final act of killing the offspring of the God of Knowledge and causing the God of Knowledge to fly into a rage, in fact, completed the 'revenge' hidden task.

Although it was somewhat accidental, He Ao's feelings at that time were probably not much different from 'Yezola's.' He was a bit unhappy too when he knew the God of Knowledge wanted to devour him.

After all, from the beginning, he had no plans to let the God of Knowledge's offspring live.

He saved Selena so that she could open that box at the crucial moment and kill the offspring of the God of Knowledge.

The initiative was always in his hands.

While He Ao was analyzing the scores and the possible source of the hidden task, the system subtitles in front of him had already changed.

[Now calculating mission rewards.]

[The reward for the beginner's task is: random body strengthening]

[Since your overall mission evaluation is S, and a single task evaluation reached SSS, your reward has triggered a luxury critical hit.]

[Refreshing your rewards now.]

[Please choose one reward from the following three:]

[1. Randomly acquire one Talent Sequence (not Soul Bound)]

[2. Full-body Mechanical Modification]

[3. Vermilion Fruit]

He Ao looked at these three options.

Talent Sequences should be similar to Transcendent powers like "Super Memory".

Mechanical Modification seems to be like Selena's Mechanized Body? However, since the system didn't describe it as a Mechanized Body, it might be different, similar to Job's mechanical arm or a humanoid robot that isn't shaped like a person?

As for the Vermilion Fruit... that was beyond He Ao's understanding. It seemed like something edible.

But considering the basic reward was physical enhancement, Talent Sequences and Mechanical Modification, in some ways, seemed like advanced 'physical enhancements'. So could this Vermilion Fruit also be something that could enhance the body?

While He Ao was pondering, sudden 'bang, bang, bang' footsteps going up the stairs came from outside, along with someone humming a tune.

He turned his head to look toward the door and discovered that his home's old security door had somehow been opened a crack.

He vaguely remembered hearing the lock cylinder turning and the door being pushed open while he was starting the game.

But the door was only cracked open because He Ao had welded eight security chains to it, each as thick as a thumb, each one retailing for a hefty amount of one hundred and sixty-eight yuan.

Although he was a law-abiding good person, due to his frequent acts of bravery, many people often 'visited' his home. These people were usually quite enthusiastic, carrying things like baseball bats, steel pipes, watermelon knives, either to help He Ao 'exercise', or to 'slice some watermelon' for him.

Being a shy and not so eloquent good person, he naturally couldn't reject these enthusiastic visitors, so he welded a few more security chains. With the door unenterable, there was no need for rejection.

Once these chains were up, even a strongman weighing over two hundred pounds couldn't push it open.

He Ao walked step by step to the door and peered through the gap secured by the security chains, looking outside.

Ever since most of those enthusiastic people had been 'sent away' by him, it had been a long time since anyone 'visited' his home.

Clad in a crisp suit, the young man stepping up the stairs was humming a cheerful tune, carrying a brand new pair of unopened bolt cutters in his hand.

He Ao could tell at a glance that the man had bought bolt cutters too small to snip through his security chains.

He glanced at his phone, which showed that it was 7:37 PM. More than four minutes had passed since he started the game, and he had spent roughly an hour in the Copy World, which translated to a time flow speed of about one to twenty. This discrepancy in time flow was quite interesting.

At that moment, the suited young man reached the top of the stairs. Just as he was about to unpackage the bolt cutters in front of He Ao's house, he saw a pair of cold eyes appear from behind the door crack, like a lion surveying its prey, staring straight at him.

He trembled with fright, then quickly gathered his composure and looked at He Ao with a smiling face,

"Is that He Ao?"

As he spoke, he casually moved the still-packaged bolt cutters behind his back and slipped them into the waistband of his trousers.

He Ao glanced at him and with a 'snap', closed the door.

Then he looked at the lock on the security door, noting that this man had just picked his lock. Time for a new lock.


Another major expense.

"He Ao! He Ao!" The person outside started banging on the door urgently while shouting, "I have a big business deal, a money-making one. Are you interested in hearing about it?"

He Ao immediately turned around, opened the room door, and, with the security chains still in place, looked at the young man outside, "Let's hear it."