Chapter 38: To Complete the Mission (Extra-Length Chapter, Please Favorite, Follow, and Vote)


[He Ao (Ande)]

[Permission Level: Ordinary Player]

[Physical Attributes: 15 (13) (ordinary person in Copy World is 10, ordinary person in the main world is 5)]

[Skills: Talent Sequences 272: Super Memory (Soul Bound) (E Rank)]

[Mechanical Modification: None]

[Martial Arts: Qi Induction (F Rank) (Not Usable)]

[Character Abilities: Basic Firearms Mastery, Qi Induction (Unranked)]

The level of Super Memory had upgraded from F Rank to E Rank, and his previously depleted spirit and energy were slowly recovering. Perhaps this was the effect of the mysterious drug potion he had consumed? Super Memory absorbed the power of the potion, not only replenishing the parts of He Ao's life consumed but also leading to a promotion.

"How did you know that potion would be useful to me?"

He Ao turned off his attribute panel, leaned against the wall, and asked softly.
