Chapter 41: Blood for Blood (Please Favorite, Follow, and Vote)

The swift bullet burst out of the muzzle, and Mu Xiu's head was jerked around by his muscles, quickly shifted, dodging the incoming bullet once again.

But then, before he could crack a smile, another bullet following closely pierced his right eye, and fresh blood erupted forth.


He Ao swiftly rolled away from his original position.


A massive fist directly shattered the floor where He Ao had just been standing, with chunks of broken cement scattering all around, followed by Mu Xiu's agonized roar.

Then He Ao was met with an onslaught of attacks as fierce as a sudden, violent storm.

After being wounded, Mu Xiu's attacks became even more ferocious, with his massive fist winds barely missing He Ao multiple times.

However, having been hit in the right eye, he had lost part of his field of vision, so although his attacks were fiercer, the pressure on He Ao actually had lessened.

Eyes are weak spots, but not vital points.

He Ao kept dodging while thinking.