Chapter 123: Deadly Game (Please Subscribe, Favorite, and Vote for Monthly Ticket)

"When the night descends upon us,"

"When calamity shrouds you and me,"

"Oh, despairing souls, do not weep,"

"Take up your swords, load your bullets."

"When blood dyes the ruins red, when the gravestones of civilization bear our names,"

"Children of heroes, take up your swords."

"Nothing but an abyss lies behind us."



"With our lives, let us scorch away the night!"


The grand, sorrowful music, combined with Qi Ke's uniquely prolonged and gentle voice, seemed to immerse all present into that desperate and dark era of calamity.

The splendor of civilization had collapsed, and chaos and madness enveloped the world.

The survivors of the previous epoch took up their swords and carved a bloody path through the wilderness filled with exotic beasts and distortions, rekindling the flame of civilization.

Their remains covered the ground, and the songs of their souls wandered beneath the firmament.