Chapter 126: The Plan of the Witch Church (Please Subscribe, Collect, and Vote for Monthly Ticket)

"I've always had a question," He Ao slowly raised his hands, inch by inch, carefully turning his head, and the first thing that came into view was a pair of slender legs wrapped in black tights, then a sexy body shrouded under a red dress. He Ao's gaze gradually moved upward until that face — incredibly familiar to Roy — appeared in his vision,

"Monica, can you answer it for me?"

"Don't move; I don't need to answer you." Monica seemed quite satisfied with her condescending posture at the moment. She glanced at He Ao's severely injured body and the pained expression on his face when he twisted his body. Then she looked at Qi Ke's body lying on the ground, her finger on the trigger, "Perhaps you can go ask the Grim Reaper."

At this moment, Christos also turned to look at Monica. He wanted to take action but found even moving to be difficult. He looked at He Ao only to realize He Ao was intently staring at the gun in Monica's hand.