Chapter 135: 3rd Official Mission Settlement (Please Subscribe, Favorite, and Vote for Monthly Ticket)

[Mission Evaluation Settlement in Progress...]

[Your mission evaluation is S]

He Ao looked at the subtitles flickering in his field of vision.

[Assassination Sabotage Evaluation: S (You perfectly sabotaged the Witch Church's assassination attempt on the Mayor's political rival, ensured Christos's safety, and killed the Dancing Girl)]

[Evil God's Advent Evaluation: S (You obstructed the summoning of the Witch of Desire's subordinate, preventing it from obtaining enough sacrifices and a perfect vessel for its advent, ultimately leading to the death of the Witch of Desire's subordinate.)]

[Side Mission Evaluation: SS (Using special methods, you successfully killed the almost invincible subordinate of the Witch of Desire. Thousands of people who were supposed to die survived, preventing a potential massacre)]