Chapter 172: The Secret Medicine Approached by the Magician (Request for Subscriptions, Collections, and Monthly Votes)


When He Ao threw the walkie-talkie back into the pool of blood, the fresh blood on the short sword also flowed clean, the silver blade reflecting a cold light under the moonlight.

He Ao slid the short sword into the scabbard hidden behind him and looked at the skinny man who was now completely petrified, "Open your mouth."

The skinny man, looking at He Ao's icy demeanor, shuddered and slowly opened his mouth.

A sweet thing was tossed into his mouth.

This must be the antidote.

He thought to himself.

It was still somewhat sweet.

Under the effect of the sugar, his panicked state calmed down a bit.

At this moment, he also realized that the youth in front of him, who seemed to have walked out of hell, had just saved him.

If He Ao had been any later, the one lying on the ground could have been him.

"What do you know about the I-27 robotic arm operation accident that happened a month ago?"