Chapter 184: Miracle Magic (Three updates today, please subscribe, bookmark, and vote for the monthly ticket)

Unlike the "Assassin," the Transcendent power of the "Magician" did not surge from the body to the brain, but from the brain to the body.

This sensation was somewhat similar to when He Ao absorbed Super Memory initially, but it wasn't exactly the same.

For He Ao, the pain wasn't particularly strong, and after experiencing the strongest wave, his body gradually adapted.

Meanwhile, that powerful Transcendent force began to spread from the brain towards the body.

He Ao used his mind to guide this force through his body along the pathways of Martial Arts.

Just then, something unexpected occurred.

The "Qi" swirling below his navel in the Dantian suddenly became turbulent, trying to expel these "foreign" forces.

Are Martial Arts and Talent Sequences inherently contradictory?

He Ao was taken aback.

But he quickly discovered that he could still control the "Qi," making it calm down and contract.

There was a contradiction, but it wasn't insurmountable.