Chapter 196: Wandering Specter (Please Subscribe, Bookmark, and Vote for Monthly Ticket)


A wail like the lamentation of the dead rose beside He Ao's ear.

Above his head!

In that instant, without any hesitation, he rolled fiercely to the left and reached for his waist, drawing his pistol and firing at the spot just above his head.

The bullet plunged into the silent night, whizzing past the crimson 'flame' and into the air.

Only now could He Ao clearly see what had been hovering above his head.

It was a massive, elongated creature resembling an octopus, suspended in the dark night as if a fish floating in water.

Its tentacles were long and thin, clustered under a spherical head, and they faded into the night, with He Ao unable to discern their tips.

Encircled by these tentacles, the spherical head faintly outlined in the darkness had bunches of crimson flames twinkling through the night.

No, those weren't 'flames,' but rather its eyes, glowing with a sanguine light.

On its spherical head, countless glowing crimson eyes densely covered the surface.