Chapter 226: Bandits (Please Subscribe, Add to Favorites, Request Monthly Tickets)


Danny sent the location of the television station that hosted the entertainment show to He Ao.

The location wasn't far from Kaye City Police Department; it was only a matter of minutes away. Dismantling a bomb in twenty minutes might be difficult, but rescuing people and evacuation were more than feasible. At this moment, Chief Jelang should be leading his team there. The entire police force of Kaye City was ready to rescue civilians on one hand and to capture the masked man on the other.

Countless thoughts raced through He Ao's mind.

Since the adversary wanted to stir up trouble, they surely had an ulterior motive.

What in this city could possibly be the target of their plot?

He Ao paused, lifted his head, and looked at the towering emblem of Stars City on the ceiling.

Nolanka Bank!

He quickly walked to the conference table, picked up his silver-gray suitcase, and left the conference room.