Chapter Four


At the Vice Chancellor's office

"Prof., we have come to know when the miscreants are leaving the school or, do you want to leave along with them?"

The infuriated Vice-Chancellor cautioned him.

"Young Man, watch your tongue, I won't have you insult me in my office."

Jeff intervened.

"We are sorry VC if our attitude was rude. We only need to know when they are leaving the school because we cannot stand studying in the same school with them."

By this time, the gangsters were sweating profusely because their secrets were about to be exposed, but the Vice-Chancellor still believed in them.

"I can't stand your empty threats anymore. I got a response to my emails yesterday from Cherry Fields despite your threat. Now we know who the higher-ups are."

Jeff smirked.

"Well, you have six more days to expel them, or you will regret ever switching my result."

The VC showed fear but covered up with a smile.

"Leave my office, or I will call the security on you brats from impecunious families."

Leon was more anxious. He reminded him.

"Anyway, we are leaving, but as we promised yesterday. If we see them around, we will beat them up."

The gangsters were not expecting it when the two used hand kicks and dealt with them. Leon concentrated on Shirley's face and gave her more slaps that would remind her not to ever ogle on Jeff. Just like that, they walked out unscathed back to their classes.

The Vice-Chancellor was relieved when they left. He had to condone the delinquencies of these youths for now. The wrong management of this may create another saga. He already had enough on his plate. Now, he turned to the upset gangsters and gave a soothing smile to quell their grievances.

"Never mind the church mice. Their days are numbered in this school. By the time your parents show up, I will show them the way out."

The gangsters remained glued to the spot due to the pains they sustained from the kicks. The truth was about to emerge, and they feared what would befall them. The VC continued.

"Come and give me the details of your parents at Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group."

He announced, smiling and shoving a piece of paper towards them, but they remained mute and transfixed. When they were unmoved, he offered to assist.

"All right, just call out your father's Full name: Department: Contact: Date of employment, I will fill the form on your behalf."

The VC paused and gave them a quizzical look, but when they were not forthcoming, he inquired as he cast a clear demanding look at them.

"What is the problem?"

The gangsters were thinking of how to escape from the trap they were ensnared in. Just then, an idea occurred to Ben-G, and he maximized the defense mechanism.

"VC, I'm disappointed in you. You are only after our parents' money. You allowed the hooligans that almost killed us to go scot-free."

"You are such an embarrassment, VC."

"Where is your fatherly instinct?"

"Let's go."

Benny roared, and they stomped out of his office after berating him one after the other. The VC stared at them people-mouthed until they shut the door behind them.




He exclaimed and hit his hand on the table.

"This is the only opportunity to get the School Endowment Fund from their parents."

He sent a mail to the Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group requesting to be given time to get the details across to them.

At the Corridor

The mad rush with which they left the Vice Chancellor's office provoked the curiosity of other staff members, especially his immediate staff. They walked briskly without looking back. Ben-G, the leader of the group, was more interested in leaving the premises when Shirley provoked him.

"Ben-G, please, wait for me."

With an overwhelming urge to kill, he turned and grabbed her collar and smacked her face with both hands.

"You shameless girl, how many men do you want to sleep with? You slept with the VC to be the best student, you slept with me now you are staring at another guy in a lecherous attitude before me."

"Stop it. You asked me to sleep with the VC because you wanted a favor. Why can't I seduce another guy? You coward."

He beat her until the other students rescued her from his grip. She ran as her legs could carry her and causing.

"Ben-G, you are fake. You wretched penniless imp."

"Wait for me, daughter of a scumbag. It is 'your close to the grave father' that taught you prostitution and not me."

Ben-G cursed and chased after her. The students around took photos and videos of the incident.

The staff members and some lecturers who were around were startled as they ran out from their offices to witness disgusting behavior that cannot be condoned even in high schools. This was enough evidence for the Board to declare the VC managerial and professionally incompetent.

Mr. Brown was in the classroom when Jeff walked in. Other students were outside because they were late.

"Excuse me. Can you pave the way for me? I want to go in. I took permission from Mr. Brown before I left the class."

Jeff spoke with confidence as he talked to the students who were standing on the verandah.


They quickly adjusted, and he walked in followed by a student who wanted to ride on his coattails. Mr. Brown assumed they were together and turned a blind eye as he continued with his lecture.

Before the end of the lecture, he took the time to summarize all that he had lectured to the benefit of Jeff and his friend before asking each student questions. Luckily, they answered correctly.

At Leon's Class.

Leon did not have the privilege of taking permission from his lecturer, nor asked anybody to do that on his behalf. He came back and joined the latecomers waiting outside hoping that they may be admitted at intervening periods. He positioned himself by the window, so he can have a good view of the lecturer. The lecturer paused.

"Leonard, come in. You were coming from the VC's office, right?"

"Yes Mr. HOD. Thank you, sir."

Leon walked in and turned back to look at the students outside who were watching him expressionlessly. He looked at the HOD again who understood the look. He smiled and ordered.

"All of you come in."

They walked in as fast as they could lest he changed his mind

"Thank you HOD. Thank you, Leon."

Leon was embarrassed. He did not love the idea of singling him out to favor. Neither was he prepared for the gratitude. He had no choice but to smile.

After lectures, he ran off to meet Jeff at the Aviation Department. He was waiting for him at the department library while reading his book. By 5 pm when his lecture was over, he saw a mail from the Vice-Chancellor pleading for some time before he would provide the details of the students and their parents. Jeff smiled after reading the mail.

Meanwhile, the news of the down turned love between Shirley and Ben-G was flying all over the students' platform. At the end of the lectures, Leon drove them home followed by Mr. Kelvin and the guards. This time, the guards had increased from two to four.