Chapter Fourteen

The Mini Project 2

Wednesday Morning.

At the Industrial Area Complex

The Procurement Manager had sent various samples of quality phones to Jeff for approval and all was set. Jeff and Leon had set out to the Industrial Area Complex with Mr. Morris. The buses had been dispatched to the school, with the approved codes handed over to the security men that accompanied the buses. As expected, the students had assembled at the Accountancy Department. The Staff Buses with Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group emblem were all lined up. The school was surprised to see such gesture from an organization that had never replied to their mails for once since the inception of the school thirty years ago, lined up as early as seven thirty am. The students from other Departments were disappointed, while the ones from the Accountancy Department who could not scale through with the application were there hoping to jump the queue. What they did not know was that Jeff was as organized as the Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group, and whatever he is involved in would be seamless. Once it was time, the security men stood by the entrance of the bus with their tablets, cross-checking the information the students had and the information they had with them. By eight am, they took off. The students began to think when they discovered that Jeff was missing.

'Oh no. Jeff could not make it.'

'How can Jeff be so careless to miss this opportunity?'

'Where can Jeff have this opportunity again? And he is a foreigner.'

Many thoughts went on in their minds. They were unable to chat or make noise in the bus because of the unfriendly looking security men. They got to the complex which was at the outskirts of town after thirty minutes' drive. The location of the Complex was the reason most people cannot get there without invitation.

When they got to the gate, they got down from their buses and walked through the security scanning machine, filled the visitors' books, submitted their phones and got back into their buses for onward movement to the boardroom.

They were wowed by the ambience of the complex. Soon, they were at their destination.

"Welcome to Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group."

They were greeted by the beautiful janitors, who ushered them into the boardroom.

"Thank you."

They responded, making sure they did not do anything that would offend the organization.

The media team was set with their cameras. The projector was also set. At nine on the dot, the lecture began.

"Good morning, gentlemen, and ladies…"

The students were startled. The presenter's voice was very familiar, but the look was that of a sixty years old man with gray beards. He was masked with safety wear ranging from coverall and yellow helmet. He had reading glasses that gave him a sexagenarian look. Furthermore, he delivered his lecture without minding what they were thinking. Afterwards, he read out the answers to the questions on the questionnaire they submitted, and the students filled their questionnaire based on the answers he provided. When they were done, they submitted their papers for signing to the Janitors, who took them to the Chairman's office.

At the Chairman's Office.

Jeff breathed a sigh of relief as Leon helped him to remove the makeup. Mr. Morris was catching fun as he watched them display their youthful innocence. He took a photograph of him and sent to his parents in Africa – Nigeria.

'Imagine life without these youths around me? It would have been so boring.'

He thought as he watched Leon remove Jeff's costume.

"You look okay now."

Leon said as he observed Jeff."


"Sure. You can check the bathroom."

The janitor handed the questionnaires to the Chairman's Secretary, who stamped and handed them back to her. She returned the questionnaires to the respective owners. The Procurement Manager's Secretary handed over the quality phones that were neatly packaged in a velvet drawstring gift bags with the emblem of the company.

"Wow. They are indeed the higher-ups."

"Oh my God. Such phone for helping me out with my projects."

The students took time to praise the company and appreciated the gifts before they proceeded to the canteen for comestibles. While they were refreshing, the takeaways that were packaged with branded shopping bags were dropped beside them. Then, it was time to leave.

They returned to the school fulfilled. By the time they got to their class, Prof. Wood was in the class. They walked in with the unspoken message of WE MADE IT. Prof. Wood chuckled at their outward display of superiority over those who could not make it. They flaunted their packs as though it was a National Flag. To their surprise, Jeff walked in too, holding whatever they were holding. The Prof. teased.

"Welcome back. Is there nothing for me? I thought I was the brain behind this?"

Jeff quickly handed his phone to him.

"Take, Prof. You deserve more than this."

The class was stunned.

"When did Jeff join us?"

One of them asked. Others rod on her coattail and asked.

"Jeff, we did not see you there. How come?"

"If you didn't see me, then you have bad eyes."

He said smiling. They laughed at his funny outburst

The Prof. who had grabbed the phone was naturally on his side.

"If you know you didn't see him, then you have bad eyes, otherwise prove that he wasn't there."

They were all speechless.

"Thank you, Jeff, for remembering me. I will always remember you for this."

"You're welcome, Prof. Wood."

Jeff understood why he ordered for additional five phones. Prof. Wood left after his lecture. Some students walked up to Jeff and began to roll out their questions in a tangled rush.

"Where were you, Jeff?"

"Which bus did you join?"

"Where did you seat?"

"Why did you give out your phone?"

Jeff was smarter. He never bothered himself with answering their questions. He summed up the response with one sentence.

"If you think I wasn't there, go and report me to the Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group."

The let him be since they could not report him to Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group.

While they were returning to their seats, Leon walked in with his gift and walked straight to Jeff. The other students looked at each other. Since they are birds of the same feathers, everyone minded his or her business. Leon whispered to Jeff.

"Jeff, my lecturer asked for the gift. What do I do?"

"I have given out mine. Why not let him have it?"

"Okay, I will do that."

Just then, Sidney, who had been out of the class, walked in and met Leon and Jeff whispering. Leon greeted.

"Hi Sidney. How are you?"

"Fine. Your gift bag is fine."

"Thank you."

Sidney looked around after Leon left and noticed that it was Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group bag, and it was in the possession of only those that went there for research. He was not surprised when he did not see Jeff with any gift. He apologized once again.

"Sorry Jeff. It was all my fault. We would have been one of those having the gifts. Don't worry, I will come up with something."

"I'm waiting."

That was all Jeff could say. The lectures for the day went on as usual. The students were all wishing to go home. Jeff had beaten more than he could chew. Prof. Wood had flaunted his gift out of proportion. The fact was that he wasn't certain that the phone in the velvet drawstring gift bag was a quality phone. He casually mentioned it to his colleagues that a student gifted him with a gift and the colleague demanded.

"Can I have a look? You know that some companies can be tricky. They must have used the beautiful bag for a cover-up."

"You're right. That is why the student gladly gave it out.'

The Prof. removed the phone from the bag and saw a phone that he would never buy with his money.

"What? This phone is only made for the higher-ups."

His friend teased.

"You don't judge a book by the cover, let's see the content and not the container."

He opened the carton and was gobsmacked.

"He must get one for me too."

The friend remarked.