The billionaires' battlefield; wealth is the only weapon 2

Chapter Eighteen

The billionaires' battlefield; wealth is the only weapon 2

Jeff got home with the spirit of THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY. It had not been easy working as the Purple Tag Chairman of a big oil and gas company with branches in fifty-two counties and running two courses concurrently. At his age, his grandfather Mr. Morris whom he called dad and his father Mr. Ken Israel had set a standard for him, and he promised he would not let them down. He is living up to his promise, but the task taking a toll on him.

"Dad, we are home."

He greeted as soon as he got to the house. Incidentally, his dad was about leaving for the garden for his Table Tennis training.

"Son, welcome back. Will you join me for the training?"

"I wish I can. I want to call my dad now before he goes to bed."

"That's appropriate. You can call him now."

Jeff dropped his laptop bag on the center table, took his seat and pulled off his canvas shoes before unbuttoning his shirt. His grandfather looked on with concern.

"You need rest,"

"Yes, dad. I will do that after the call."

He called his dad, who was already waiting, and he picked immediately.

"Hello father, hello Jeff."

Hi Dad, hi Mom."

"Ken and Dora, how are you?"

"We are fine, father and you?"

"We are fine."

Ken went straight to the point.

"Jeff, how did you hear about that Island Auction Sales? I have checked the internet and could not find any publication in that regard."

Mr. Morris gave Jeff a quizzical look.

"I saw it on the local channel here in Toronto yesterday. If you did not see it on the net, it is not improper because they may not want the crowd."

"It all right. When is the bidding?"

"Monday, 9 am. I have taken permission from my Head of Department."

"That is good. How much do you intend to bid? I mean, how much are you proposing to buy the island."

"The Manager of the Geophysics Department said the price is between two hundred and three hundred billion, I will bid two hundred and fifty billion."

The Mom who watching quietly giggled, his grandfather who was by his side ran his hand through his head and gave a dry smile. Jeff began to fidget due to their body languages. His father who did not want to dampen his spirit encouraged him.

"That is good. But I will advise you to watch the other bidders. Always top them with ten billion. Nevertheless, if you are the first to bid, begin with fifty billion."

The informed Jeff became ashamed, and it was noticed by everyone. His father continued.

"Don't be shy. There is always a first time. That is why you have me and your grandfather to put you through.

"Thank you all. I appreciate."

You're welcome."

"Hope you're keeping fit, father?"

Dora asked.

"I'm good. How are the Restaurant and the Luxury Pet Business going?"

"Very well father."

Ken summarized

"Good night everyone."

"Good night."



Mr. Morris was in a high spirit. He counted himself the luckiest man who had ever lived. He did not have a wife nor his biological children, but look at him been surrounded with children – intelligent ones who were interested in continuing the business from where he stopped. Furthermore, he cast a loving eye at Jeff and said.

"Go to your room, wash, and sleep. You don't need to come down for dinner. You would be served in your room."

"Noted dad."

He cancelled going for the training just to monitor him. Mr. Robert prepared dinner and served Jeff, who was woken up by Mr. Morris and Leon. Although he was sleepy and tired, but they ensured he had enough food and the Organic Tea before going back to bed. He stayed back and chatted with Leon before he left for his room.

"Good night Leon."

"Good night, Mr. Morris."

At the Island.

Mr. Brooklyn returned to the Island after he left the Ministry of Trade and Commerce boss, elated. He had the sense of complete and legal ownership of the island. He had been operating from that island for ages and had followers of about twenty-two thousand living there and can be mistaken for the down trodden. There was a rumor that the founder of the notorious terrorist group disappeared long ago mysteriously after he was shot by the military in a shootout before Mr. Brooklyn took over the leadership of the group. They were often attacked by the military. The disturbing aspect was that there were indigents occupying the said undeveloped island, total mop up of the hideout would affect the innocent indigents who were going about their daily activities just to make ends meet. Today, the government decided to sell the island to the highest bidder who would take ownership and the development of it. Mr. Brooklyn and his cohorts felt threatened and decided to act fast. The sponsors of the group had made money available for the purchase of the island, but he felt that there were no competitors. He summoned his lieutenants for a briefing.

"We should start celebrating our success."

The three thousand lieutenants cheered him up with the clinging of wine bottles and puffing of cigarettes in their traditional manner.

"The great boss."

"The greater boss."

"The greatest boss."

"All arrangements have been made for that day and there is no cause for alarm. The six of us who had registered will start the bidding. Am I understood?"

"Yes, the great boss."

"Yes, the greater boss."

"Yes, the greatest boss."

He continued as he assigned roles to his lieutenants.

"You will begin the bidding with ten billion and watch the four paupers. Whatever they bid, make sure to counter bid with an extra one billion. When they are exhausted, which I know they will be in less than ten minutes, then, I will come up with the trump card of twenty billion which will leave everyone astonished with open mouth."

They cheered him up the more and he continued.

"When we acquire the island, we will deal with the military first, and the other agents that have attacked us and finally evacuate the indigents that would not be one of us. Did you get it?"

They cheered him up according to their manner, again and acknowledged.

"We got it."

Monday Morning

The International Vice Chairman was on his toes because he had been wondering why the Island Auction Sales was not publicized. He called the Head of the Media and Publicity Department Mr. Barnabas Ferguson at the headquarters for details.

"Hello boss. Good to hear from you."

"Thank you, Mr. Ferguson. Let me go straight to the point. The Purple Tag Chairman will be going for an auction sales of an Island at the Ministry of Trade and Commerce. Do you have any idea about that?"

"I don't have any ideas for now. I will get back to you in the next five minutes. Let me contact some media houses."

"Please do."

Mr. Ferguson made some calls and thereafter, he called the IVC back.

"Hello boss."

"Yes, I'm with you."

"From what I gathered, the Island Auction Sales is real, but they have already made their selection. As a matter of fact, the auction sales was just a formality."

"In that case, we must destabilize their plans. Find your way to the Ministry of Trade and Commerce. The Purple Tag Chairman will be on his way too. Give the bidding the publicity needed. I will inform all our branches to do the same, and I will also follow up."

"I will do as you said, boss."

"Bye for now."
