Dad, you can't believe this 2

Chapter Twenty Three

Dad, you can't believe this 2

"It is noted boss."

He said as he left. She turned to Jeff and asked.

"Hope you are all right with that?"

"Yes, Madam Ray. I'm okay. Thank you, Madam, and what is my bill please?"

She smiled and looked at him.

"I'm not selling them to you."

"Oh! My God. Not again. But why?"

The bewildered Jeff asked.

"Because you are like a son to me."

Jeff was awestruck. He looked at her again. And she confirmed it.

"Yes. If I cannot sell to my son, why should I sell to you? Meanwhile, let me get tea for you."

Her gesture made Jeff to develop cold feet, he decided to forget about his lecture for the meantime.

"I wouldn't mind."

She got off her swivel chair and walked to the pantry, prepared the tea for two and served him one cup while she took the other cup. Just then, the Manager walked in.

"I have done that, boss."

"It is all right. Thank you."

She faced Jeff who was sipping his tea and said with a cheerful face.

"Jeff, I want to tell you this story, so you will understand why I love your name and stop running away from me."

The manager took his seat and concentrated on the magazines. Jeff sipped his tea and placed his cup on the table and said.

"Okay, Madam. Please go on, I'm all ears."

"Good, when I was sixteen and in the higher school, I had a boyfriend who was seventeen called Jeffery. I was the only person who called him Jeff. You see why I love your name."

She sipped her tea and focused on the Television. Jeff was waiting for her to continue, but it was like she was done so, he urged her.

"So, where is the boyfriend now?"

She showed some emotions and emboldened up.

"He was killed."

Jeff adjusted his tie and waited. She continued."

"He was killed alongside his driver and aids as he was returning from school."

Jeff could not hold back anymore. He was in a cold sweat, and he inquired at once.

"Who killed him, and how was he killed, please? I hope I'm not asking too many questions?"

The Manager was only pretending to be reading the magazines, had his full attention was on their discussion. He had worked with her for ten years and had been wondering why she chose to live as a recluse. He became more attentive this time. Madam Sica Ray took a deep breath and continued.

"No. You are not. Bomb. His car was bombed."

Jeff steadied his gaze on her. She was fighting back the tears in her eyes, so she picked her tea to take, so she could cover up her anxiety. Just then, Jeff gave his father a call, not minding the time, and Madam Sica Ray watched him swiped his phone and wondered what he was up to.

"Dad, you can't believe this. I have found Jessica Murray."

As soon as she heard her real name, she fainted. The Manager jumped in surprise and rushed towards her. Jeff lifted her off the couch and headed towards the elevator. Her secretary who was scarred when she saw the situation followed as well as the manager. The security men were confused because the Manager and the secretary were with Jeff. Meanwhile, Jeff's phone kept ringing because he cut the call to his father abruptly as soon as Madam Sica Ray fainted.

The moment Jeff's aids and security saw him carrying a woman towards the car, they came to assist him, but he stopped them.

"Open your car."

The driver opened the back seat of the Hilux Van, and they carefully laid her. Jeff sat beside her while her head rested on his thighs.

"Manager. Get into the front seat."

The confused and scared manager quietly obeyed while stealing a glance at the madam who was at the back seat. Jeff continued.

"Mr. Kelvin, have my car keys. Let's go."

Her secretary, who was already weeping, asked.

"Can I come with you? Where are you taking her to?"

"Don't bother. Let's go."

He dismissed the secretary and ordered the driver.

"Where are we going, Young Master?"

"To the Complex Clinic."

He picked up his phone and checked, fortunately, his father called again, and he picked.

"Hi Dad. I will give you the details later. I will keep grandpa out of it for now."

"It is all right. We are coming over immediately. In the next fifteen hours, we will be in Toronto. Take care."

In a short while, they were at the Complex Clinic, and she was admitted to the Intensive care Unit.

At Mr. Ken Israel's (Jeff's father) House in Africa.

Ken quickly informed Dora of the latest news

"Wifey, get ready, we are leaving for Canada immediately."

"What happened hubby?"

Dora, who was just coming out of the bathroom, asked.

"Jeff just called me, he said he ran into Jessica Murray.

"How? When? Where? Hubby, is he certain? I wouldn't have him raise father's hope for nothing."

The confused Dora was attempting to ask all the questions at the same time.

"That is why we have to be there with him. I'm as confused as you are."

Ken called the company pilot.

"Good evening boss."

"Good evening. We are leaving for Toronto now. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"It is all right, boss."

He called the General Manager, Gabriel Johnson, and informed him of the emergency trip.

"Gabriel, Jeff just called me. I need to be at the Headquarters."

"Hope no problem, Ken?"

"Nothing too serious. Please take charge."

"It is all right. Fair trip."

In a short while, Mr. Ahmed Nura and his Orderly arrived, and they were at the airport. He quickly sent a message to Mr. Morris to avoid unnecessary shock when they suddenly appear in Toronto unannounced.

(Hi father, we will be with you in the next thirteen hours. I have the need to check The Aged Project, the newly acquired Island and the School Endowment Fund. We are boarding now. See you).