Chapter Thirty Two


Visitors were coming from the church, family members, colleagues who were not loyal to the General Manager and friends.

The true story was kept secret from everyone except the family members and Dr. Promise Dike. The distant family members were shocked when they learned of the arrangements to fly him abroad.

"How can such a good for nothing man be sent abroad for surgery? I see it as a waste of resources."

"I'm not aware that you were thinking the same way I was thinking. Why would anyone want Mazi Iluno Okonkwo to be alive? Of what use is he to the society?"

"I had been thinking what could make them wish that he remained alive – to be doing what?"

"He is not a Researcher or a Renowned Surgeon. Just tell me why he must be alive."

"Hahaha! You make me laugh. You're going too far. Is he a good father or a good husband or uncle or even a brother? Simple titles that your emotions can fetch you. The title you don't need an academic qualification to possess."

These two distant family members discussed on their way home after visiting Ken and his family.

Dora had never mentioned her father to anyone, and most people thought that her father had died long ago. Saying her father was in the hospital was strange and stranger the circumstances that led him to the hospital.

One of her colleagues, Mrs. Chy Eze, a gossip in the greatest degree, who was a good description of rumor mongering. If you are doing anything that you think should be kept secret, the best thing is to keep her out of it by avoiding her. All the same, in case you are doing anything, and you need a free or cheap publicity, just carry her along. If your husband is eating, and she comes to your house, be rest assured that the public will know the number of meat in your husband's food. Even the quantity of water, salt, oil, and pepper in your husband's soup, the number of seasoning cubes you added. She had her way of exaggerating things. On one occasion, she told Dora and her colleagues that the vegetables in the soup that one of their colleagues served her husband were not thoroughly washed with salt. How she detected these things baffled all of them. She was lucky to have an understanding husband and in laws.

Mrs. Eze was the last person she hoped to see because she had never visited her house and she had carefully avoided anything that would bring her. Some of her colleagues led by her school proprietor Mrs. Omeiza Hassan visited and encouraged her. They saw her sisters and commented on their semblance. They were careful not to ask too many questions about her father, and she liked it so.

The much dreaded Mrs. Eze showed up one afternoon. What will Dora do? Mrs. Eze did not ask her to have a problem that would take her to her house. Having kept her away on many occasions with the excuse that she was not going to be at home. This time around, she knew she was ill, her father was at the hospital on admission and above all, the school was on holidays, so she must be at home.

"Welcome, Mrs. Eze."

Dora greeted as she came downstairs to see her. After she was allowed into the house by mama that opened the door for her, she began to scan the house. She was still standing by the wall where they had their collections of the enlargement of their photographs.

"Were you not wedded in the church?"

That was her response to Dora's greeting. She was taken aback. She had expected she would say so many things but not too soon. Now, she was walking towards her and about to take her seat. She continued.

"I did not see the enlargement photographs of any wedding there, that was why I asked if you were not wedded in the church. Did you do just the traditional marriage and stopped there? You know, some marriages are like that. I don't think it is right. Just attempt to wed in the church. You know that is your crown as a married woman"

She spattered without taking a breath.

By this time, Ken had already joined them. Dora was thinking that the presence of her husband would have stopped her, but she only paused to answer his greetings and continued. Ken looked for a way of dismissing her, sensing that Dora was no longer comfortable with her presence.

"Dora, please make my food"

He said as he moved towards the staircase.

"Hey! Is she strong enough to start preparing food? Can't you see that she was just discharged from the hospital; you men are terrible."

Ken ignored her and walked upstairs.

Mama, who had grown lean because she had been through a lot in life, was not happy with the whole thing, but what can she do? She met Dora as soon as she sent the gossip away and asked.

"What kind of woman is this?"

Mama asked.

"Don't mind her, Mama. She is my colleague. She is like that."

Dora explained.

"Hope she won't tell the world all that she had seen in your house?"

Mama asked.

"That one is certain; there is no doubt about that, especially on the issue of wedding in the church. I pray she will say it in the presence of my chief bride's maid."

"Or in the presence of the priest that wedded you"

Mama added. They laughed while she joined Ken in the bedroom.

By this time, her sisters, and sister-in-law were resting. Frank had taken the children out for a driving lesson. Jeff had turned eighteen and is legally qualified to drive. Frank knew how to make them happy as he knew what they really need at any point.

In the bedroom

Ken was online. He was attempting to apply for Medical Visas for Mazi Iluno Okonkwo and the attendant that would accompany him. It was a tedious task as he did not have any documents, not even a National Identification Number.

"How are you going to do the application since he doesn't have any of the required documents?"

"Dr. Promise Dike had contacted the hospital in India. If we can't scale through with the visa, we may have the specialist flown into the country as early as possible."

Dora could not help but gave him a passionate kiss for being so good and caring. He responded to her kiss with a prolonged one. They had been far apart since he lost his job. That was an opportunity to express his bottled up emotions. He stood up from his seat and pulled her closer. As they engaged in a breathtaking kiss, his left hand was already inside her sleeveless top. The way he fondled her nipples gave her arousal that instant.

"I miss your love."

She muttered.

"I will make it up to you."

He assured me, and he did. They could not let go of each other for the next two hours.

They continued with the arrangement to fly Mazi Iluno Okonkwo abroad for surgery. Little did the know that a shocker awaited them.