Damage Control 14

Chapter Eighty Five

Damage Control 14

He was always in and out of the police station for one offense or the other. Usually, he would return to the area after his release. When Mr. Victor Ifedi mentioned the security, he quickly left because that would land him in the police station again. Many other youths would have been in his condition if not for Victor, who gathered them to keep them busy.

After he left, Mr. Victor Ifedi sat back on his seat to ponder on what the layabout just said.

'They will not get anywhere close to the gate of the stadium.'

He brought out his phone and went through the response from Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group. Now, he read it over again and got inspiration.

'But nothing has changed. Why am I fretting?'

He asked himself. With that understanding, he cheered up. After all, he had not gotten any email from Cherry Fields stopping him from coming to the event with his team.

'We will continue to prepare until we are asked to stop.'