Damage Control 19

Chapter Ninety

Damage Control 19

"If you think so. Then, you can sit here."

The security man said while he made some adjustments for him to sit with him on the pavement of the gate house. As the stranger was about to sit down, his head began to spin and suddenly, he slumped. The dizziness was because he was starving, the effect of the long trek that morning coupled with the hard drugs that he had taken, which had its toll on him.

At the Hotel Suite in Masai Mara

After the sightseeing of the previous day at Massai Mara, Jeff spent a lot of time chatting and laughing with Star and Stan, and he forgot that he had to be in the office the next day. Mr. Morris remembered the chat he had with Mr. Ken Israel yesterday on ego formation.

(Why not? He is already fond of you. Denying him this opportunity will not go down well with him. It may have a negative impact on his ego, especially now that it is at the formative stage.)