Damage Control 30

Chapter One Hundred and One

Damage Control 30

"Thank you, Ken, for your support and encouragement once again."

The General Manager appreciated. Then, they chatted more on various issues before Mr. Fredrick Ikenna took his leave and promised to be at the Residential Area in the evening with his family.

The General Manager called Mr. Nura Ahmed and informed him that he will also pick the Street Youths the next day by 3 O'clock after picking his children.

At the Chairman's Office

Subsequently, the Chairman had a Zoom meeting with the Kenyan Branch, Mr. Ken Israel and Jeff were part of the Zoom meeting. During the meeting, the General Manager of Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group Kenyan branch, Mr. Isaac Kibisu presented his proposal.

Then, Mr. Ken Israel suggested including fertilizer and vaccines for livestock farmers among the incentives. The Kenyan Team was pleased with that suggestion because they never thought in that direction for they had focused only on the crop farmers.