Damage Control 34

Chapter One Hundred and Five

Damage Control 34

The stunned doctor looked at Mr. Ahmed Nura who was not rushing. He deliberately left the office ahead of his scheduled time with the Street Youths, so he gave him all the time to think of answers to his questions. Now, Mr. Edwin Great was beginning to catch a glimpse of the situation.

'My friend indeed. When did Mr. Ahmed Nura begin to make friends?"

He thought.

"I didn't get any police report."

The doctor responded.

"Were you treated by a doctor?"


"Why did you allow a doctor to treat you without a police report, and did the medical system in Nigeria collapse because a patient was treated without a police report?"

The doctor, who was dumb stricken, only gaped at him. Then, he stood up and turned to Mr. Edwin Great, without waiting for the doctor's response.

"Let's go, Edwin."