Fulfilled 19

"Congratulations, Jeffrey.

"Thank you Dad."

"You're welcome son."

Then, he assured him of his support as they looked into each other's eyes.

"I will always be there for you."

"Thank you, dad. I will not disappoint you."

At this point, Leon was admiring the father and son relationship and he was thrilled.

'If my admission letter comes, I will give him a hug too.'

He concluded within him as he congratulated Jeff.

"Congratulations Jeff. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you Leon. We will get yours tomorrow. Let's go to my parents. I have to inform them right away."

They excused themselves and left for Mr. Ken Israel's suite. Jewel, who was sharing a room with her parents teased.

"Welcome to suite. Kindly make yourself comfortable."

The smiled at her joke before Jeff excitedly broke the news to his parents who were relaxing as he sat close to them. Then, the exhilarated Mr. Ken Israel spoke.

"Congratulations Son."