Now, Naomi who was sound asleep turned, and her husband discovered that she was sweating. Though the air conditioner was on, but she was sweating. Then, Gabriel removed the duvet covering her, wiped the sweat off her forehead and asked.

"Should I get you some cold water?"

She shook her head in the negative and rested it on his shoulder.


Then, she began to run her hand on her husband's chest, pulling his nipples at intervals. To her surprise, Gabriel did not respond, and she concluded that he was still angry with her. Nevertheless, she continued to caress all the sensitive parts that usually turn him on, but he was unfazed. As for Gabriel, he thought she was too weak for sex and only wanted her to play with his body. It was when she began to eat his dipstick that he was moved. He pulled her away from his dipstick, gave her a passionate kiss and whispered.

"Are you prepared for it?"
