Life In Toronto 6

He thought. Then, Mr. Ken Israel sat on the visitors' seat beside Mr. Oliver Elliot and declared.

"Yes, how may I help you? I'm all ears."

Now, the General Manager looked at him and gave him a beseeching look.

"Thank you, Mr. Ken Israel. I thought I would meet you here yesterday and plead that you permit me to be the foster father of the chap who just recovered from a liver transplant. He is such a nice chap. I will retire very soon and need a son by my side."

At this point, there was a few seconds silence as Mr. Ken Israel was mute for some time. Then, he looked at the General Manager and gave him a searching look. Then looked at the International Chairman who was looking at his phone but all his attention was on the matter. Likewise, Mr. Ken Israel broke the silence and asked.

"As you can see, I'm short of words. Did he say that he is up for adoption? Have you discussed anything about his personal life?" What made you think he would want to be your foster son?"