Missing You Already

The staff members gave him a warm applaud and cheered.

"Welcome back, International Vice Chairman."

"Congratulations, Sir?"

Then, Leticia and Naomi teased Dora simultaneously.

"Welcome back, Husband Defender."

"Thank you."

Dora responded with a giggle.

Now, Mr. Ken Israel, who had been eating silently beside his wife, finished his food and responded to Gabriel's brief speech when he discovered from his speech that he was the brain behind it by thanking him. He looked directly at him and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Gabriel Johnson, for your true friendship. I feel greatly honored. I will always remember this."

Afterwards, he faced the staff members and appreciated too.

"I also thank you all for finding me worthy of your time. My family and I are truly honored. Once again, I say thank you."

Then, the General Manager acknowledged.

"You are more than a friend to me. You are a brother. You deserve everything you have gotten."