The End of the Road 7

"Write a comprehensive report on this and submit to me right away. This is madness."

"No, boss. I leave him with God."

He objected with inarticulate sound as a result of the pains in his mouth. Now, his colleagues, who were shocked with Mr. Drake Rowland's action, had recalled themselves, and watched Mr. Andrew Rogers' object to the suggestions of their superiors. They could not restrain their laughter anymore. So, they let out rowdy laughter, which astonished the superiors. At last, the superiors got the details of the matter and asked Mr. Rogers.

"Why did you go for an international trouble when you are not done with the local ones."

The staff members laughed again and made Mr. Idris' statement the slogan for the moment.

At the International Vice Chairman's Office

"Did the boss ask of me?"

Mr. Drake Rowland asked the clerk when he got back to his office.

"No. He did not."