Chapter 4: Be my Muse!!

As Hua Shen got closer to the room where the boy was, He began to feel somewhat nervous in his heart. It had been quite a while since someone had last stayed in his house. He wasn't the type to enjoy other people's presence. There were the townsfolk, Who stayed for a few days but they didn't stay very long as they had stalls to attend to or family to look after. So this Siheyuan was usually a quiet, lonely place for Hua Shen. Hua Shen felt a bit excited when he thought of this, A small smile slowly crept Its way up to his face. It's been a long while since he last smiled genuinely. 

He stopped in front of his bedroom door and breathed in and out a few times to calm him as well as his pounding heart before slowly sliding the door open to see the young boy sitting obediently in bed with his gaze focused on the door. Hua Shen felt a bit flustered all of sudden, He could feel his heartbeat fastening a bit. He couldn't open his mouth nor take his gaze away from the boy staring at him with his clear and complicated gaz

" Is something wrong? " The young boy seemed to notice something was wrong with Hua Shen, He inquired with a bit of worry in his tone. He tilted his head to the side when he asked Hua Shen a question. 

Even his voice is amazing!! He really is the perfect muse for painting!! Thank you, gods!! I'll never talk bad about you again!! Hua Shen roared in his mind as soon as he heard the young boy's voice, However Hua Shen quickly calmed himself down and began Taking slow steps to the bed so as to not scare the boy. 

He sat down in one of the red chairs at the side of the bed. He sat with a straight back, a raised chin, and cold sharp eyes. He appeared dignified and cold to the boy but inside Hua Shen was freaking out because he didn't know what to say or how to start a conversation. He was screaming inside his mind about how awkward and arrogant he must appear to the boy. 

" How do you feel? A bit better now? " Hua Shen managed to ask without blushing or stuttering. He had gathered a lot of courage to even open his mouth. 

" I feel fine now, Thank you very much!! I will do whatever I can to repay you !! " The boy hurriedly said with conviction. He bowed his body down on the bed to express his gratitude. Hua Shen could see the determination on the boy's expressionless face. Paired with his red eyes and young face, It gave Hua Shen inspiration, Maybe a bit too much. Hua Shen's head started to spin as all the ideas started forming in his mind, Taking up too much space. 

He held his head with one of his hands and tried to organize all his thoughts and ideas, His brows furrowed and his lips formed a straight line. He looked really irritated to everyone but himself. The boy started getting worried that he may have upset the man who was so kind enough to help him and bring him home.

" Did I say something wrong?! I'm very sorry!! " The young boy quickly apologized, Bowing his head while he slightly trembled. Hua Shen snapped out of his daze when he heard these words and looked up at the boy who was still bowing his head at him. Hua Shen was slightly confused by the young boy's sudden apologies.  

" Huh? Why did you apologize? You didn't do anything wrong " Hua Shen smoothly answered, Raising his lips up to form a small, gentle smile. This caused the boy to become dazed, His face suddenly turned red and he became flustered by this smile. He bowed his head again to hide his blush. Hua Shen, However, could see the boy's red ears and found them particularly cute. He really wanted to continue to tease him but he doesn't want to scare the boy or anything. Who knows what he's been through. Hua Shen cleared his throat and prepared himself to speak. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. 

He tried to get his voice out but he couldn't even squeak. He was getting embarrassed by himself. He could only make indistinct noises but His throat wasn't forming any full words. He cleared his throat again, trying to get the boy's attention. Luckily it worked, The boy lifted his head up and looked at Hua Shen. He looked muddled as he watched Hua Shen try to speak. 

Hua Shen de Ren began to prepare himself to speak, He took a deep breath then exhaled silently, " Please be my muse!! " 

The room went silent for 5 seconds before Hua Shen realized what he said, He hadn't meant to blurt that out and quickly covered his mouth with his hand. He started blushing and turned his head away to calm down. The boy was equally blushing. The boy looked down at the bed before his pulled his legs closer to his chest. 

" Um . . . . Why would you want me to be your muse? " He inquired as he squeezed the blanket in his hands. 

He silently peered at Hua Shen, Complex emotions filling his eyes as he lowered his head, His hair falling over his eyes. Hua Shen flinched because he was too embarrassed to answer the question. He glanced over at The boy and saw flashes of weariness and Doubt in the boy's eyes. He knew that he shouldn't keep quiet and that he should honestly answer the question as to not make the boy doubt himself and to get him to relax a bit. 

He forced himself to calm down and straightened his back as he sighed and stood up from the chair he was sitting on. The boy thought that Hua Shen was leaving the room and was going to abandon him here. He panicked in his heart and threw himself at Hua Shen and wrapped his arms around Hua Shen's waist tightly. He was slightly trembling and there were tears at the corners of his eyes. He looked up at Hua Shen with tears rolling down his face. 

" Please . . . . . Don't abandon me . . . . I'm sorry . . . . I won't ask . . . . Just don't abandon me . . . . . Please " He cried as he squeezed his (HS) waist. He was begging Hua Shen with a trembling voice, Hua Shen was internally panicking but was colding looking at the boy externally. Well, it wasn't supposed to be a cold state but he was trying extremely hard to conceal his emotions and not drag the boy to his painting room. He furrowed his brows in an attempt to calm his wild imagination. 

No, No Hua Shen de Ren. Calm down, you don't want to scare him any more than you already have. Just calm down and try to comfort him. 

" Let go " Was all he managed to say without exposing his real intentions. His voice was cold and devoid of emotions, He was trying his best to not drag this boy to his studio right this second. It made the young boy shiver in fear, He began crying and trembling even more than before. Hua She hadn't meant for his voice to come out that coldly but he couldn't take back his words as the boy had already reacted to them. 

" No . . . . . I . . . . . Don't want to . . . . Let go . . . . You'll abandon me . . . . If I do . . . . Please don't leave me . . . . " His voice was quivering as he spoke and it made Hua Shen feel like his heart had been struck with an arrow. He breathed in then breathed out. He quickly settled his heart down and pressed his hand to the boy's shoulder and gently shoved the boy away from him, Making him sit on the bed. He held the boy's shoulders down so the boy couldn't stand up. Hua Shen continued to stand above the boy very domineeringly, His eyes were cold as they looked at the boy shivering underneath him. He was trying his absolute best to not do anything he would regret against the boy. 

The boy couldn't stop trembling and panicking in his heart. He didn't know why but he didn't want to be thrown away by Hua Shen. So He quickly grabbed Hua Shen's wide sleeves tightly and refused to let go even after Hua Shen fiercely yanked his arm away as hard as he could. Hua Shen had to commend the boy, He had amazing gripping strength and was quite stubborn. Though that alone couldn't convince him to keep the boy at his place. 

Hua Shen sighed heavily and stopped trying to yank his arm away. He raised his eyes to look at the boy sitting on the bed gripping his sleeves as hard as he could. The boy was also looking at Hua Shen. When he saw Hua Shen look down at him, He flinched but still stubbornly refused to let go. Such a stubborn boy, Hua Shen thought. He sighed before he continued to speak to the young boy on the bed. 

" You don't have to be scared of me. I won't hurt you, I promise. I'll free you as soon as possible, I have no need for a slave. I'll bring you to the town and set you free. I'm not a slave trader nor do I have an interest in pleasure or men " 

Hua Shen explained to the boy, hoping that he could understand what he was saying to him. He couldn't see the boy's expression as the boy kept his head down and his eyes on the floor. 

After Hua Shen finished explaining everything, He raised his free hand and started softly petting the boy's head, trying to reassure him a little. The boy, however, didn't seem happy by those words. No, he seemed to be disheartened and sad. He lowered his head, His lip quivering. Hua Shen could see it and was slightly panicking inside his mind, wondering what he said wrong. He thought that all slaves wanted to be free but This young boy seemed sad to be set free. 

" Please don't . . .  I don't want to go . . . I don't have a family . . . . Nor do I have anyone to rely on. Please don't abandon me. I don't care what you have me do, I just want to stay here. Please don't make me leave " The boy begged Hua Shen, His hand clenching Hua Shen's wide sleeve until his hands turned white. He gazed up at Hua Shen with wet eyes and a quivering lip. 

Hua Shen felt his heart Ache when he heard those words being spoken by such a young boy. He felt pity for the boy but he can't keep a young boy just because he felt a bit of pity for him. He sighed heavily, Yanking his arm as hard as he could to loosen the boy's grip on his sleeve. It worked this time. The boy's hand slipped off and he let go of the sleeve. The boy's hands were left in the air, holding onto nothing. He dropped his hands as he peeked at the man in front of him meekly. He squeezed his wrist with one hand as he began thinking of some way to convince the man to let him stay here. 

" Why do you want to stay here? You have been here for barely 2 days, Why would you want to stay? Also I don't have any use for you, I will drop you off in the village later today " Hua Shen informed the boy, Although the boy was the perfect muse to paint, He can't keep a young child here. He can barely take care of himself. How would he take care of a child? Not to mention, What would he do when 'That day ' comes? It's simply too risky, for both him and the boy. He has no experience taking care of children either, So that would be a walking disaster just waiting to happen. 

This really broke the boy's heart, He really wanted to stay here. He didn't know the reason but it felt safe and cozy. He wanted to stay with the man that reduced him, Even if the man made him his plaything. As long as he could stay here with the man, He would be happy. " I . . . . . I can . . . . D-Do what . . .. whatever you . . . . Wish . . . . " He hesitantly stuttered, Clenching the blanket in his hands. He didn't want to say this but this was the only way he could think of to completely convince Hua Shen to let him stay here. This was the last resort the boy could think of. 

[ Tiny warning, There is some groping and slight strangulation (not really) and Nudeness, Just skip it I'd you don't want to read it or find it weird. There is nothing that important in these few paragraphs ]

" Really? Do you even know what you're saying? What if I wanted to have sex with you or violate you? " Hua Shen questioned him, Looking down at him from a standing position. The boy flinched when he heard Hua Shen's question. He didn't respond in time when Hua Shen reached his hand out and grabbed the young boy's neck. He didn't use much strength but it still was enough to scare the boy. The boy squeezed his eyes shut and had clenched the blanket he was still using to cover his naked body. However, he started to resist unconsciously because he was scared but still let Hua Shen do whatever he wanted. 

Hua Shen leaned over the boy, Who was shaking and struggling to get himself free from Hua Shen's grip. Hua Shen wasn't strangling the boy, he was just keeping his hand there to hold down the boy so he knew that if this happened with someone else then he wouldn't be able to escape. Others weren't as nice as Hua Shen and wouldn't hesitate to violate the young boy. 

Hua Shen then pushed the boy down on the red bed and used his free hand to slowly pull down the blanket the boy was using, Who had started whimpering. He used his hands to claw at Hua Shen's hand on his neck but it didn't do anything to help him. He was getting scared, he was thinking that this man was going to violate him and invade his body. Although he had said that he would do anything for the man, He didn't mean for it to be right now. He still needed some time to prepare his heart and body for it. 

Hua Shen had taken the boy's black outer robe, which was small and barely covered anything on the boy, off then slowly pulled down the boy's black shorts until all that was left was the boy's white naked body that was lightly dyed with red blush. His hand started roaming around the boy's soft body, He felt the boy shiver under his touches. He felt very bad for doing this but he had to show the boy that not everyone would be as kind as him. The boy felt funny, The man's hands were soft yet rough at the same time. They made him feel weird. Every place that he touched started heating up and he felt like he was on fire. But it didn't hurt, Instead it felt weirdly pleasurable. 

As Hua Shen's hand slid down to the boy's lower area, He felt the boy jolt and arch his back suddenly. Hua Shen figured that he was probably inexperienced in this sort of thing. That made him feel a weird sense of joy after discovering this. As he hand moved farther down, The boy accidentally let out a soft sob. 

This made Hua Shen falter as he looked up at the boy who was lying under him. The boy had started crying at some point and was covering his mouth with his hand. This made Hua Shen really panicked as he immediately pulled back both his hands from the boy's body. He stepped back a bit and shook his head, Trying to clear his mind of all the thoughts he had just conjured up. He bit his lips hard to make them bleed to make him sober up. He felt like he should die for doing such a thing to a young and probably traumatized boy. 

[ Warning ends here, The rest of the chapter should be fine ]

He watched the boy slowly sit up from the bed, Pulling the blanket over to cover his body. He had a hand rubbing his neck and the other wiping the tears on his cheeks. He looked up at Hua Shen with a flushed face, And immediately looked down again. His shoulders were slightly shaking and he refused to look at Hua Shen.

" I'm sorry " Hua Shen abruptly apologized, Startling he boy enough for him to look up at Him, " I went too far, I simply meant to show you that not everyone would be as kind as I am. If you ran into the wrong people, They would try to force you even more than I had. Even so, What I did just then was unacceptable and I sincerely apologize to you. I will let you rest you now, I need to cool my head for now before thinking about what to do after. Have a good rest " Hua Shen bowed to the boy before hastily leaving the room, Closing the door behind him and leaving a flushed young boy sitting on the bed with an erection. 

The boy didn't know what had just happened, He flopped back onto the bed on his back. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, He ended up falling asleep at some point. He always had trouble falling asleep, whether it was his "home" or anywhere. But he easily fell asleep in this strange man's house. 

Meanwhile, Hua Shen was in his painting room that was filled with hundreds of paintings that ranged from scenery, people, buildings, gods, anything that Hua Shen could find that gave him inspiration, he would paint it. 

Right now, Hua Shen was painting a very provocative picture of the young boy that he brought back with him. 

He knew that it was wrong to do so but he couldn't stop his mind and body from running wild. Hua Shen was never someone who slept around but he definitely dreamt of doing so with some of his muses, which was why he had gotten rid of them, by dismissing them not by killing them, and never saw them again. He tried to not use any local people as his muses so he won't have to see them again after they part ways. 

After 2 or 3 hours of being immersed in his painting, Hua Shen finally finished the painting of the boy. He quickly hid it under dozens of other paintings that he was going to throw out. He'd leave it there fro now then when the boy left, He'd either store it away somewhere safer or have it delivered to the boy annoymosly. Then He quickly checked the time using a very mysterious object that someone had gifted him a while back, and seeing that It was already early morning, Quickly changed his clothes into his normal light green robes and tied his hair up with his red ribbon while he grabbed another red ribbon and tied it around his forehead before heading to the kitchen, That was covered in dust, he grabbed some peaches and some apples, Washed them off in a clean basin of water then headed to his bedroom where his guest was staying in. He had lost track of time when he was painting, it happens a lot whenever he gets any inspiration. He usually doesn't care since he'll be just fine but this time there was someone else here, Someone he had to take care of. It made him feel strange but He pushed that thought aside as he grabbed a cloth water bottle that a foreigner had given him a while back. So he hurriedly went to his room, He quietly slid open the door and saw the boy still fast asleep, Curled into a small ball, hugging the blanket while nothing covered his body. 

Hua Shen lightly chuckled, ignoring the fact that the boy was naked, as he entered the room, he turned around to close the door and when he turned back around, he saw his young guest sitting up on the bed looking at him with his red eyes. The boy looked like he had come to an agreement with himself or something. He looked strangely determined so early in the morning.