Collecting Gravy

Sophia gagged on the hot soup of ejaculate scorching down the back of her throat. It was so thick and salty that it jolted her senses. Her stomach clenched and she did her best not to pull away. By now she had enough practice to keep herself from spilling any of his precious seed, even as a heavy load pooled inside her cheeks. In truth, Sophia hated it when they came too fast, and wished they had a little more self control. Drinking semen was all in good fun, but she would rather they came on her breasts, so that it smothered her skin like a humiliating lotion.

The glob of spunk slithered down her throat like a hearty meal, tangible and a little filling. However this guy saved up so much semen in his balls seemed miraculous.

Sophia fought back a haggard cough, and did her best to gulp down each spoon full of creamy batter. It was like a searing hot glob gliding down her gullet, its texture reminiscent of watered down gravy. The boy's cock twitched, his quickening pulse pounding between her drooling lips, as small spurts of succulent left overs dabbed onto her tongue.

"Thank you…so much," he gasped with raw pleasure. A wet slurp followed his phallus slipping from her lips, red lip stick marking his softening flesh.

"Don't thank me, thank my dumb sisters." Sophia spoke only after her throat was clear, and even still her words were thick and moist.

Six months into her college career, and Sophia had sucked over thirty two dicks and counting. It was the first order she had been given upon her enrollment, to catch up with all the other freshmen's progress. She had to give fifty blowjobs before the end of her first semester, each from a different fraternity brother. After she was done draining their shafts, the brother would offer her a unique card, a way to prove the achievement. Once she had a deck of fifty, her job would be complete.

Giving head quickly seemed like work to her, and it didn't stop the seniors from giving her additional orders every now and then. Boob jobs were her favorite, especially when she found a fat phallus to squeeze between her soft breasts. The race of his pulse beating alongside hers was particularly arousing. The final reward, a hot load all over her face and chest.

Joscelyn had been right about her, there was a little deviant hiding inside yearning to be free. Each sexual favor she had to perform helped to unlock it, to feed and embolden it a bit more. Sophia couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't indulged in such sexual fantasies before.

Chloe was a few cards behind her, but was trying to catch up. Evidently, her boyfriend wasn't too thrilled about her enrolling. Sophia wasn't sure if the two were still technically together.

Sophia was hesitant to accept the invitation at first, but as the days went by, she couldn't shake the feeling that her life was forever in a lull until something was done about it. The Durrant's had offered her a job, but so far that was her only other prospects for a better life.

When Chloe confessed her intention to join the Rachelle Institute, Sophia decided to join as well. Both for her own selfish interests to move up the social ladder, which she would happily admit was her driving incentive, and to ensure Chloe wouldn't do anything reckless.

Late term enrollment came with its share of problems. She had to choose her major and catch up with several months of work. Her professor in foundational literature took a liking to her, and helped to refine her talents. The other educators seemed stern and rather direct on campus.

The first series of tests were complete failures, which was to be expected. She was determined not to let that happen again. Her senior sisters had ordered her to double her time in study hall, and work under the care of a tutor. It was probably the only decent order they had given her.

Sophia's days were spent studying, and collecting cards, with only rare moments of relaxation. At first, she didn't consider the order to collect blowjobs as relaxing, however…after the fourth or fifth guy she started to actually enjoy it. Sophia didn't have to swallow his load, but semen was an acquired taste, and she had grown a liking to it. Not as much as letting it coat her bare skin, but it was a close second.

"You're so hot," the fraternity brother moaned as he sheathed his manhood. Sophia simply returned a nod while continuing to swallow. It was hard to gulp it all down in one go, some of it was sticking to her tonsils.

Sophia wiped away the sultry left overs from the corners of her mouth, and then got up from her knees. That was the worst part, her knees were scabbed after spending so much time on the floor.

"Thank's I guess." Sophia brushed her short skirt, and straightened her top. As far as compliments go, it was lazy but not the worst. Just for once, Sophia would like to meet a guy who had some oratory talent.

Her uniform was a size too small, and Sophia felt that was on purpose. The flower patterned garb was short sleeved, and adorned below the shoulders. A single ornate button was all that held it together, a simple breeze could make it flutter and expose her full breasts. Even when it did cover her chest, much of her under-boob was showing, and her nipples poked against the silk like finery.

The short skirt it came with was also thin and elegant. Dark black stockings ran up her legs, and high form fitting boots were laced comfortably. She never got used to wearing the uniform. Her giving breasts were now heavy and full, making each bouncing step awkwardly painful. Without a bra she had to take each step carefully, all it took was a single misstep to cause a wardrobe malfunction.

Sophia brushed her hair back, and slid the card in her pocket. She had collected three that day so far, and once her classes were over she would seek another. She was on a roll today. It surprised Sophia how hard it was to find an eligible guy at a moments notice. Often other sisters would be pleasuring them at the most inconvenient times as well. According to her order, she wasn't allowed to share.

There was a damp chill in the halls, it seemed like all the campus buildings kept a cool atmosphere. As soon as she returned to her dorm room, Sophia would wrap herself in blankets to stay warm. Only on weekends, when she could return home, did she enjoy more comfortable clothes.

With the transaction complete, Sophia ignored the random guys flirtations and the two parted ways. A bead of sweat strolled down her cleavage as goosebumps decorated her skin. She was still flustered from the experience, and she was glad for that. The worst thing Sophia could imagine, was for the sexual affection to grow dull and boring.

When her semester began, Sophia found her sex life happily rejuvenated. It took a few weeks for the birth control to ware off, so she wasn't too afraid of unforeseen consequences at first. The Rachelle's liked to party often, and were happy to invite any man who happened to stroll by. To her credit Joscelyn was right, most guys were skilled at pulling out just in time.

After a few weeks, Sophia did her best to practice some form of celibacy. It was pure agony. Her breasts ached to be touched, her sex tingled when she sat next to a handsome boy in class. She had never been around so many eligible bachelors her same age, and her lust grew with anticipation.

Every day Sophia found it harder to ignore the aching between her legs. She wasn't fond of humiliating herself, or risking impregnation, but each day was a trial of concentration. She wanted to feel a man inside her. She wanted to feel a man's scorching hot rod melting against her tight walls. Even if they couldn't yank it out in time, Sophia's yearning to indulge herself was almost beyond compare.

In the six months following her joining the Rachelle Sorority, Sophia was truly starting to feel like a slut. Deep down she was enjoying it, and that frightened her.

She shoved the thought, and fresh memories, in the back of her mind as she walked to class. The Literature building was a large two story cubical building surrounding a small park. A giant tulip poplar rose to the heavens at the parks center, its branches reaching toward the sky.

Sophia paused only to grab a carbonated beverage from a vending machine before arriving to her next class. She needed it to wash down the gravy still glomming onto the back of her tongue. While she enjoyed the jolting taste of semen, Sophia wasn't about to let it linger for long.

Other than majoring in literature, Sophia had to choose three sub-electives as well. Her sorority seniors made those choices for her. The first was fitness education, requiring her to spend long hours of her morning at the gym. Her arms and shoulders were still sore from yesterday's workout, and her calves felt like someone took a bat to the back of her legs. The second was sensual dancing. The third was military tactics. She was curious about why they had chosen that one in particular.

Her days at the University wasn't what she had expected, and they weren't so bad. The only real down side was the throbbing in her lactating breasts. The pain was intense, and without daily milking at the dairy her poor mammaries were only getting worse. They had grown a full cup size, and her nipples were puffy and stark purple. Blue veins decorated her supple flesh as well, casting a web of streams over her olive toned mounds.

The workouts helped in ways she didn't expect. Had she not spent so many hours in the gym, her bust would've grown soft and saggy by now. The chest workouts had helped her pectoral muscles cushion her breasts, helping to lift and support them so they grew perky and firm instead.

Her shoulders were stronger with new layers of muscular sinew. Her back was wider, her legs thicker, and her stomach harder. She wasn't a muscle maniac, but her body, in its youthful vigor, had grown in answer to the workouts. It had made many guys start to pine for her.

While she enjoyed some of their attention, there was only one guy she had grown a liking too. She would meet him in the mornings, in the private cafeteria on the first floor of the tower. Few actually ate there, preferring the larger cafeteria in the community buildings. She would pleasure him, and mix her coffee with his seed and her milk. In return, not only did he get a morning blowjob from a beautiful girl, but she let him have some of her milk as well.

His name was Max, and he was probably the only guy that listened to her on campus. She first noticed him on her way back from the library. Something about him caught her eye. Maybe it was the way he could barely look at her, as if by daring a glance he risked starring into the sun. Or perhaps it was something else. She wasn't sure, regardless Sophia made sure to 'accidentally' drop a small notepad before passing him. He picked it up, and raced to return it to her. It was a subtle way to break the ice, and she was happy for taking the chance.

Arriving at the door to the 'Pre-Nightfal Literature' class, Sophia had to pause as several others were crowding the entryway. A trio of Maryjane sorority girls were arguing amongst themselves. Their uniforms were far more sophisticated everyone elses.

They glared at her with an aura of opulence that defied reason. Clearly, they felt superior to her in every way. Sophia brushed them aside, ignoring their spiteful grins and cruel whispers. For some reason the Maryjanes had some sort of affair with the Rachelle's. Whatever the cause, it happened before Sophia had joined.

She strutted to her desk near the front of the room. The entire class was filled with students from all organizations on campus. No sooner had she sat down, her phone buzzed.

"Shit," Sophia cursed. She forgot to switch it off beforehand. She dared a glance before silencing it. The message unnerved her.

Chloe -> Just got a weird order from the seniors. U available?

Before Sophia could respond, the professor had entered the room. Sophia quickly slid it back into her purse before anyone noticed. Her mind couldn't help but wonder what her bff wanted to tell her. She leaned back in the seat, and tried to focus on the lecture, all the while wondering what the seniors had in store for herself.