Thirty Two?

An electrical storm was brewing. Sophia could feel the charge in the air as she made her way to the stadium across campus. Heat lightning flashed in the cloud laden skies above, and a light fog hovered around her ankles. A thick mist carpeted over the grass, making every step seem fluid and ominous.

She wasn't alone, Chloe and several other freshmen walked alongside her. Many were already tipsy, having indulged before the nights festivities. Together they kept to the shadows to avoid campus security, and made their way to the door.

Once they arrived, Moira Rodrick stood at the entryway barring their path. Her arms wrapped underneath her breasts, and she leaned back against the seemingly innocent door. Even when she seemed relaxed, Moira looked no less intimidating. The senior looked down at all of them with a warm grimace.

"So you have all fifty cards?" She asked them. Her eyes darted back and forth, and then came to focus on Sophia.

It was warm outside, and a bead of sweat found its way down Sophia's cleavage, and dripping from the underside of her breast. They had arrived early, at Moira's request, ready to venture into the secret sorority hangout.

For some reason, one that defied explanation, the university grounds was littered with underground tunnels. Many lead to hidden warehouses, and ancient subway tunnels. Several entryways into this dark and secluded world could be found all over campus. Many in the weirdest of places. This one could be found along the side of the college stadium. The stairs beyond would take them to a section of tunnel near their intended destination. Yet, from a single glance, the old door was indistinguishable from a janitors closet.

The Rachelle get-together extravaganza was organized in a two story warehouse several feet below ground. It surprised Sopia to learn that students weren't barred from entering the tunnels, but it was heavily frowned upon. University security patrolled the tunnels several times a day, often sealing off entire sections if students began using them frequently.

There existed an equilibrium of understanding between students and faculty. They wouldn't crack down on the underground tunnels, as long as the students didn't broadcast their presence. Every once in a while, when a sorority or fraternity wanted to gather a large party, they would disobey this agreement.

They had to be careful, finding the right place at the right time and circulate the news with discretion. College students weren't good at keeping secrets, which was why multiple locations were mentioned. Only those actually invited would know the true location.

At first Sophia wondered why the faculty let them use the underground at all. Or why the Sorority and Fraternities organizations liked to use them in the first place. There was nothing down there but dust, trash, and a lot of creepy old machinery. Only a few areas were said to still have power, and Sophia didn't want to think about the roaches.

Why didn't they just seal it with cement, or lockdown all the entrances? Sophia wondered. Maybe they liked playing cat and mouse. Or maybe, it was a test to sharpen the students skills in deceit?

Sophia's knee was still a little tender. A wad of gauze bandages wrapped around it, and she carried an ice pack in her purse just in case it started to inflame.

All the sisters answered Moira's question by retrieving their deck of cards. Pleased, the senior motioned for Sophia to hand over her collection first. Sophia offered the cards freely without complaint, even though her first instinct was to make her work for them.

"Yes ma'am," Sophia addressed her senior with respect.

"Very good…very good indeed." Moira counted the rather large deck of numbered cards, and was happy to see there were no duplicates. She then shuffled the deck and asked Sophia to choose one at random.

Sophia swallowed, not sure why she felt so nervous, and reached out to pick one. For some reason her fingers seemed drawn to one of them in particular. Pulling it free, she saw that it had the number thirty two displayed.

"Such a big number for such a tiny girl, can't wait to see how this plays out." Moira grinned, and shot her a salacious wink.

Sophia caught her breath, and fixed Moira with a blank stare. She had no idea what this could mean, and she was far too afraid to ask. Suddenly, for the first time that night, Sophia wished she never left the comfort of her dorm.

Chloe's turn came next, the card she randomly chose blazed with the number fifty!

Moira's eyes opened wide, then a narrow smile crossed her face. She didn't say a word, merely patted Chloe on the head and fought back a squeal.

One by one everyone else donated their earned cards, and then retrieved one at random. Of the dozen accompanying them, only two drew cards greater than Sophia's. No one else was lucky, or unlucky, enough to find themselves with a numbered fifty card.

"One last thing," Moira refused to move aside from the door. With a wave of her hand, several other sisters emerged from the shadows. Joscelyn was among them. They brought with them several boxes and sat them on the paved cement ground.

"For tonight only, we have a special outfit for each of you. Something to celebrate the occasion. We sincerely hope you enjoy them." Joscelyn opened the boxes to reveal a new assortment of clothes. She lifted the thin strands of cloth, presenting an exquisitely small bikini and a draw-string thong.

Sophia's tits perked up, hardening against the thin layers of fabric of her uniform, just by looking at it. Her rear cheeks clenched when she studied the underwear it came with.