Price of Failure

"Best hold still. Wouldn't want to make a mistake now, would we?" The Rachelle emblem had been tattooed to the right side of her neck. The markings were raw upon her skin, and the buzzing of the needle sang as Valorie began a new series of weaving flames and sigils upon Sophia's left thigh.

All the ink used the same alchemical ingredients as before, causing the tattoo's to glow with her varying emotion. The tapestry on her back was glowing a violet blue, while the vines upon her neck shifted between purple and red. The colors surged, almost pulsing in lockstep with her heartbeat.

Sophia had been locked in a prostrated position for hours, unable to protest as Valorie was allowed to use her body as her own private canvas. Her entire back was throbbing with pain, and neck burned.

"Failing one test is bad enough, but two? Oh poor little Sophia, that's grounds for suspension…perhaps even expulsion." Moira Rodrick explained while hovering over Sophia's broken form. The senior had been watching the spectacle, smoking a cigarette while enjoying the show.

Sophia squirmed from a vibrating toy lodged against her lower lips, and her knees were stiff after hours of being pinned. The air was cold and sweet, each lungful made her heart quicken and her stomach lurch. On top of all that, Sophia was starving. Her punishment session had lasted well into the evening, and her stomach was growling.

"I see you're yearning for your girlfriends attention," Moira winked. It was clear she was misjudging the situation. "I know about her…not so little secret. I'm frankly surprised it isn't enough for you."

It was Friday night, and apparently failing last weeks exams had not gone over well. Rumor's of her messing around with a professor had also circulated around campus, earning her a…less than forthcoming reputation. The Rachelle's didn't like her having that kind of attention.

Sophia was stripped of her uniform, and shacked to the floor with her legs pinned in place. Her arms were extended forward, a padded bar pressed against her lower and upper chest, so that her breasts dangled freely in the air. Several IV tubes floated around her, and Sophia could feel a dull numbness all over her body.

This all was happening in her own dorm room, with space carved out at the center for the makeshift furniture which held her in place. Judging by the fading light outside her windows, evening had come. The windows were opened to let out the tobacco smoke, but Sophia feared the lingering smell would remain.

Moira flicked her cigarette, allowing the ash to sprinkle over Sophia's face. "Don't worry, we have a fitting punishment for you, and this is just the start. Your failures will leave you as nothing more than a street whore, so the way I see it, might as well get you started." Moira presented another needle in front of Sophia's face. "We reserve this kind of punishment for special cases like yourself. I mean seriously, sleeping with a teacher…that's rather salacious."

Sophia tried to move. Her breasts were so sore she wanted to cry. Suction cups clamped to her perky buds, while several singing needles were planted into soft buoyant flesh. Whatever they were pumping her with, it made her chest feel heavier.

Moira stroked Sophia's chin with a sadistic smile. Slowly she inserted the new needle into the side of Sophia's right breast. "Remember how perky and stiff your gaping tits were? Well, this cocktail is an even stronger dose. This time, the changes will be permanent. You'll thank us later for fucking up your perky tits. I'm certain your future children will be well fed."

Sophia squirmed as she tried to break free, yet she found the strain unbearable. Her shoulders were burning, sweat dripped from her forehead as a deep pain slowly grew in her chest. She could feel it, her areola's pulsating and enlarging. Milk ducts expanded, giving way to the ocean of motherly fluids stored in her mammaries.

"Whoops, almost forgot." Moira dashed to grab a plastic container and pushed it underneath her giving breasts. The opposite end of the tubbing for the suction cups dangled into the bin, and was already gushing with seemingly endless quantities of stolen sustenance. Within moments, half the container was filled, and yet the flow had yet to cease. "Can't let your juices go to waste."

Sophia didn't know it, but her breasts were swollen and could easily fill a G-cup brassiere. Her soft flesh was decorated with clear blue streams. Cobwebs of stressed veins lead to darkly enriched areola's that had grown puffy and stout. The tips of her nipples were several inches tall, there girth wide enough to allow swift passage of her motherly fluids. Milk spilled from the widened passages, and squeezed from the tiny pricks that were usually reserved for the piercings.

"You're going to ruin my body," Sophia somehow found the words through the laboring pain.

Moira just laughed. "It's already ruined, stupid whore. We're going to make it better." The senior gently stroked the elegant lines marking Sophia's backside, then leaned over to rub the outline of the Rachelle logo on her neck."

"I'd hate to be the one to pause your dom bitch act, Moira, but my hands are screaming! Need a break, and I think she does too." Valorie moaned while trying to relax her wrists.

Yes please…

Sophia feared she would fall flat on the floor once released. She could no longer feel her arms and legs, and her vision was dizzy.

"Fine, you ruin all the fun Val," Moira admired Sophia's body for a moment longer before crouching in front of her. "Open your mouth." Her voice was sharp.

Sophia did as she was told, but only because she didn't have the strength, or energy, to refuse. The moment she did, Valerie grabbed her tongue, and pulled. "If you bite down, I'll have Valorie tattoo a giant cock on her stomach with the shaft squeezed between your tits. Do you understand?" Sophia's legs shivered, listening to the seniors icy words.

"Good," Moira withdrew another tiny needle, it looked different from the other. "This piercing is special. See the liquid?"

It was then that Sophia noticed the needle was more like a clear vial the size of a sowing needle. Its contents were a pinkish fluid. Before she could analyze it further, Moira stroked the tip along Sophia's tongue then quickly inserted it all the way through.

The spike of pain was quickly replaced by a rampant pleasure, the likes of which made Sophia gasp. The tang of copper mixed with her saliva, and yet Sophia hardly noticed the tiny bead stud inserted after the needle was removed.

"Enjoy the ride, and don't ever fail an exam again…"

When Sophia was finally released, she found that she had the strength to stand, albeit she was wobbly. The drugs in her system spiked her focus, and increased the blood flow throughout her limbs. Everything felt more arousing, even just walking caused her inner walls to clench.

The need to sate her lustful urges ran quickly out of control, Sophia didn't even want to try and ignore it. After being toyed with all morning, Sophia wanted a little payback. She wanted some gratification for her abuse. If she was going to be a pawn, then she was going to at least have some fun while being one.

Without saying another word, Sophia threw herself at Valorie. Her daily workouts made it easy to find the strength to yank the artists blouse free. Two fair breasts, bearing cherry colored nipples, spilled freely into the air, and Sophia latched onto them with relish. Just as her other arm reached down, determined to undo the senior's belt buckle, her efforts were rewarded.

Valorie moaned, and grabbed hold of Sophia's lactating breasts. With a strong squeeze, a burst of sustenance poured from between her finger tips. Sophia could feel her mammaries going into overdrive, as the stream of milk poured from her gaping nipples. The pair wrestled around a while longer, before finally Valorie kissed her on the lips, and let Sophia do whatever she wanted to her.