Taking Responsibility

There were plenty of things Sophia had left to offer the Skitter in return for wealth and prestige. More children, portions of her sanity, or even her body to use as a plaything were readily on the menu. Those were to name just a few things whispered in the back of her mind whenever Sophia pondered what it would want. But rather than incur another deal with the shadowy entity, she avoided the underground entirely and tried to keep a distance. That didn't stop it from hovering in the shadowy corners of her room, or following in her shadow, but the Skitter refused to present itself openly. It wanted her to open the door first, it wanted her to make a plea before curling its fingers along her skin.

Its hatred was palpable, and Sophia could sense the distain it felt for humans whenever it was close. When it got too close, like when she laid in bed, Sophia could taste a hint of what the source of that outrage came from. It wasn't out of spite, or at least Sophia didn't think it was. Instead, she got the sense there was a lingering wound somewhere, almost as if its anger was deserved?

Regardless, Sophia kept a distance from the creature, noticing it strayed away whenever she left campus grounds. Feeling safety away from the university, she abandoned it entirely, and others followed her.

Sophia's daughter was born early, and she left the University before having to explain the nature of her quickening pregnancy. The young babe seemed very much human, thankfully. She had bright green eyes, caramel colored skin, and dark auburn hair already covering her scalp. There seemed nothing inhuman about her, in fact Sophia began to wonder if it all had been a dream. Had the drugs and alcohol, not to mention the terrible diet, that had her hallucinate being taken by a monstrous entity? Or was her daughter really the product of a nefarious creature?

Looking at her child Sophia couldn't help but wonder what kind of monster could help create such a beautiful child. For reasons that benefitted her sanity, she pretended the father was one of the Contact Brothers that had used her body as a pleasurable play thing for weeks on end, rather than being impregnated by a Skitter.

Even Helena began to question some of her memories, once away from campus for a while. As for Chloe…she never fully recovered her ordeal.

Chloe left the University first. Having recovered her mind, she fled campus grounds to seek the shelter of the Pryde Dairy, all the while trying to report a Skitter presence in the underground. Campus security, and wall guardsmen, searched thoroughly, but found nothing in response.

Her story was met with wild speculation, condemnation, and complaints over fear mongering. Only Sophia believed her, even though she struggled at times to admit it to herself. Having made the accord to free Chloe's mind meant that either the Skitter was real, or that Sophia had truly gone insane during some drug infused orgy. Neither of which were good prospects to consider.

After the shunning level of treatment, Chloe rarely spoke of what she endured, although Sophia was there to comfort her every day. The two of them shared a milking stall in passionate comfort, until Helena arrived to join them.

Carrying the babe to work at the Pryde Farm every day was met with her mothers love and adoration. Sophia's breasts were always full, and the demand for her bounty was always high. It took only three months at the Dairy before her supply was in the top three ranking of their sales charts.

It wasn't long after she recovered from the ordeal of giving birth that Sophia seriously considered the Durant's on their offer, albeit with a few caveats. It took time, and negotiations, but eventually Sophia found herself, Chloe, and Helena partnering with the Durant estate to create an extension of the Pryde Dairy Farms.

Their affiliate branch would focus purely on catering to the more elite clientele of the West Side District, and an office location was procured within the very same skyscraper that the Durant's owned.

Walking through the main entryway of the Victor Tower, the door held open by an esteemed gentleman in a suit, the three of them marched in with their luggage in tow. Before them were several wheeled gurneys full of new equipment, and all of them were carried by Durant employees.

Sophia wore a cream colored low cut shirt that hanged loosely from her shoulders. Underneath she wore a push up brassier, one of refined material that felt pleasing to the skin, and decorative panties. The nipple rings she wore were vibrating on a low volume, and the pearl at the center barely damned the ocean of cream from spilling forth.

Helena, by comparison, wore a revealing gym suit that barely covered her engorged nipples. The straps down her undercarriage emphasized the swollen folds of her camel toe, and her lower piercing was easy to see.

As for Chloe, she was the only one with anything moderately formal. A tight buttoned shirt with a light, but cute, business coat covered her torso, while a short skirt swayed with her hip movements.

Their choices in attire were specifically chosen to highlight their shared interests with the Durant's. Sophia's elegant low cut shirt emphasized her heath and fertility. Helena's skimpy outfit promoted their willingness to offer pleasure. Chloe's classy signature style, meanwhile, expressed they were not entirely mothers to breed, or whores to use, but a business that had to be respected to some degree.

They came with only a single bodyguard, who just happened to be one of Sophia's stronger brothers. Bryce's face was unreadable, although his eyes narrowed toward everyone who tried to approach.

The equipment was taken to their office floor, while the four of them made their way to the Durant's estate near the top. Bryce stayed behind at that point, returning to the office floor to help oversee the construction of the first milk extractors. Upon entering the Durant's estate, Sophia was happy to see both of them waiting for them.

"Sophia! Darling, it's so good to see you!" Mr. Durant raised a glass of wine. Judging by his slurred speech, he had been drinking for a while. "Would you like to have lunch first, before starting the festivities?"

By festivities, he meant beginning their first copulation session. All three of them were eager to lay with him, especially Sophia who's loins were already soaking wet. Even Helena was feeling rather frisky, given how her hand was toying with the strings of her ridiculous outfit. Going by there contract, all three of them would spend the night with Samual and Diana Durrant every day for three weeks. After which, if impregnation hadn't occurred, they would take additional stimulants and try again.

"And have sex with a full stomach?" Helena chimed in. "No thanks, we're primed and good to go."

Sophia smiled while looking at both Samual and Diana. "Like she said, if this is going to be an all night thing, we can always enjoy catering later. Maybe after the first couple rounds, if you're still awake, we could sit down and have a snack."

Diana smirked and chuckled to herself. Evidently, she wasn't worried about her husbands stamina. "I can't tell you how happy I am to see you up and about. How's little Sasha doing?"

Hearing the name of her daughter spoken by another always sent a jolt to her fingertips. Sophia was already getting protective, and wasn't happy about Diana being so eager to know more about her prodigy. Luckily, the deal with the Durant's stipulated she would keep her children, with Samual only having courtesy rights over their shared offspring.

For now, Sasha was staying with Sophia's parents for the next couple of days, so that Sophia could consummate her part of the bargain with the Durant's without hinderance. Luckily, Sophia left behind plenty of breast milk for her little girl to nurse on while she was away for business.

All three of them; Sophia, Chloe, and Helena were ripe and ready to breed, and Sophia knew it shouldn't take long. As they were all lead to a pleasure room, filled with all sorts of tools and toys to play with, Sophia took only a brief moment to look at the shadowy corner of the room behind her.

Nothing was there, although as she turned to walk away, already pulling down her gown, a pair of eyes emerged to watch her in quiet amusement.