As a rule, Batman did not drink.

Bruce would, on occasion, enjoy whatever expensive alcohol was being served at an event. Under the light of the camera, competetion and vultures circling and watching every action and inaction, specific images had to be cultivated. Others had to be clipped at the stem before they could take root.

Tonight, Batman wanted to drink.

"-at which point we found a third hidden laboratory with a mostly-complete however non-functional clone of Superman. According to documentation on the computers, the individual present in pod eight dash seven three was the actual Roy William Harper. Two successful clones of Roy Harper had been completed and programmed at an earlier date. These clones being Jim Harper, alias Guardian, and the currently missing Roy Harper clone who has been acting in the role of Speedy for, if the documentation is correct, two years." Guy Gardner recited to the entirety of the Justice League.

Under normal circumstances, an affiliate would not be invited to the Watchtower. Guy, however, was a Green Lantern and trying to hide the orbiting station would have been an act of stupidity.

It had been a gift from his own patrons, after all.

The apprentices had gone off on an unsactioned excursion to 'Help' put out fires at the Cadmus Labs in Washington and come back with three Kryptonian clones, one Human clone and a missing person that the Justice League hadn't even noticed was missing.

"Thank you for your report, Lantern Gardner. Was there anything else of note?" Wonder Woman was taking this best of the group. Perhaps it was the wisdom from her greater age, or else because she hadn't had an apprentice to worry about.

"Yes, actually. At the young man, Alchemist's urging, I performed a complete system download of the Cadmus computers relating to their cloning projects, as well as seeded said computers with tracking software. He seemed to believe there was an especially high likelihood that they would either be stolen or misplaced after being collected for evidence. If you can provide an isolated terminal with storage exceeding four terabytes, I can leave a copy of all relevant medical and experimental data here."

That was the source of Batman's current headache. He'd had to push especially hard to bring in more than just Robin. Suggesting that they needed to take an active hand in building the next generation of the Justice League.

Clark and Diana may not have been aging much, but everyone else was growing older. If they didn't prepare for the future, someone else would.

"Come on." John Stewart stood up, leading Guy from the room. "I think we've got a computer available over in medical."

Batman knew the real discussion was about to begin.

"Now that we're all caught up on current events, we need to discuss how, exactly, we're going to deal with this." Giovanni 'John' Zatarra wasted no time.

"A cloned race with roughly five hundred members declaring their independance, on the Fourth of July. That's a bit on the nose, isn't it?" Came from the Flash.

The news had gotten involved after the sidekicks had been teleported to the entrance of Cadmus. They had barely been able to keep the Kryptonian clones out of it.


When the reporter had seen the Genomorph Dubbilex it had turned into a circus. The artificial life form clearly had no idea how to handle them.

He'd stumbled, struggled to explain the situation and what the Genomorphs were and their situation.

When he mentioned that he and his kind had been created for the purpose of working, the reporter had asked a simple question.

'What's your salary like?'

'I am given food and a bed. So long as I remain useful, I am not disposed of.'

And it just exploded from there.

"I will discuss this with the leadership of Mars." J'onn said from the end of their table. "We are perhaps the best suited to accept a race that is interconnected as the Genomorphs are."

"Assuming they accept the Genomorphs, Stewart and I should be able to help with transportation." Came from Hal Jordan.

"Then we should table this topic and revisit it after J'onn hears back from his home planet." Superman finally interjected. He'd been struggling since the clones made from him had come to light.

"Very well. We need to discuss the sidekicks." That Captain Atom brought it up was a surprise to noone. "I'm having a hard time deciding how we should proceed. Clearly discipline needs to be enforced, they were instructed to wait at the Hall and failed to follow orders. However, their actions revealed crimes we had not even begun to suspect and resulted in-"

The silver man waved at the piles of documents placed in front of Green Arrow's empty seat.

"-all of this coming to light."

"Perhaps it would be best if we tailor our responses based on their individual actions? Each of them have clear areas in need of improvement." Batman attempted to mediate. He would be having words with Robin, likely after an extended training session so the young man would be too tired to do anything except sit down and listen.

The others would require a more... nuanced approach.


Leslie was exhausted.

He'd been running for the better part of an hour, and he could swear he wasn't any further along than when he started.

Being on a treadmill, this is a rather accurate description.

He was in the gym in the Hall of Justice, the Tuesday two days after the whole Cadmus fiasco.

Had he known it was going to be such an issue? Yes. Was he going to admit to that? Not unless the Martian Manhunter was doing the asking.

He was incredibly surprised to see Batman coming in to use the facility. The Batcave almost certainly had better equipment.

The caped crusader got on the treadmill next to him, still in full regalia.

The man started at a jog.

Leslie, dressed in a pair of shorts and a sweaty, sticky tee-shirt would have felt underdressed... But fitness isn't a competition against anyone but yourself.

"I wasn't aware that you could teleport other people." Ah. So that's what this was.

"It's... Hah... Not great yet. Still drains huh vitality of the target." Did he have to do this while Leslie was running?


"So why didn't you leave with the others?" Batman was matching his own pace, maybe a little faster to account for longer legs.

"Kr was a hah a hybrid. People like, like Desmond don't make a hybrid unless hah unless the purebreed is bad." Leslie lowered the treadmill speed. It was hard to talk when your lungs are burning.

"Experience with scientists like him?" Batman was still breathing calm and evenly.

"No, no. Dog breeders. Talked about puppies the same way, like product. Things." Leslie tried to drink some water, but he was still moving too fast, some spilling down his chin.

He tried to wipe it away, but just spread it around with more sweat.

"So why did you think to do things yourself, instead of relying on your teammates?" Ah, here it was. The meat of the issue.

"I'm not great with people. Need time to adapt to them. Figure out how to work with them. Part of why I requested to do support. Repairs. That kind of stuff." It was still hard for Leslie to breathe, but it was evening out.

"...If that's what you wanted to do, why approach me? Why the Justice League?"

"I like what you stand for. Your goals." Did Leslie feel like lying today? No, not really. "And I knew you could afford what I was offering, at the price I was offering. The money wasn't the important part. I could make ten times that in California curing AIDS or whatever the rich and wealthy have. The Justice League offers legitimacy, it tells people I'm doing the right thing for the right reason. They see me at a fire fixing smoke inhalation? Good press. I take a day and go cure a children's cancer ward? Even better."

"You didn't strike me as being too concerned with your reputation."

"I can multitask, Batman. And, hah, who says it's my reputation?" Leslie turned down the treadmill until it stopped. "How many metahuman kids are out there right now? How many are there going to be tomorrow? Next year?"

Leslie couldn't be sure who the intense stare focused on him belonged too.


Or Bruce Wayne.

"And it won't matter how many times I tell them I'm a wizard, or that I don't have a metagene. They're going to think I'm a meta anyway. Almost all of the heroes here? Either use tools or got their superpower in some weird accident. Hell, the first Flash said he got superspeed from heavy water!" Leslie took a deep gulp of water. "And all those kids out there born with a power that they're afraid of, because almost every well known metahuman is a villain? They're gonna be afraid of you. A lot of 'em are already waiting for the hammer to drop, thinking they're gonna be the next round of Japanese getting sent to concentration camps here in the U.S."

"That's... That's not going to happen. We won't let it!" The most painful part of this for Leslie? He knew Batman meant it.

He reached into his inventory, pulling out a vial.

"Cadmus was already working on mass produced super powers." He held it out to Batman on an open palm. He took it, gingerly, as though even holding it too tightly would unleash its contents. "And that concentration camp? It already exists. Filled with the worst monsters you can imagine, right next to scared kids who just got handed a bad lot in life and no good advice."

"You can't mean-"

"Belle Reeve."