New Girl

Chapter 2

I woke up by 10:00 AM on Saturday,my mum gave me permission to rest on Saturday only,I actually woke up because my brother and probably his friends were disturbing my peace with their video games.

I walked to his room,ready to unleash my anger for ruining my beauty sleep.

"Nero,what's your problem na?,I cannot have peace again in my mother's house abi"I asked after barging into his room without knocking. I was taken aback by who I saw in my brother's room,Jace Walker-he was light skinned,he had a tall,lean but athletic structure which made him extremely hot and sexy making 95% of D.I.S girls gush over him and his physique was the major reason he was made sports prefect in my school and he was also smart,that counted too,he had an oval face with a pointed note and those hazel eyes arrrgh,making him so damn cute,I could stare into those eyes all day,anyways he is my brother's bestfriend and also my classmate who I had a crush on sometime ago but it died off when I realized he was full-time player and I shouldn't fantasize about some boy who flirts with most girls of D.I.S because he is attractive.

"Hiiiii,I didn't know you were here,when did you come?? Nevermind where is Nero??"I stuttered.

"Oh,he is in the bathroom"Jace replied.

"Okay"I said walking away.

"Michelle"He called.

"Yeah"I said

"You look beautiful with your morning face"He complimented

"Thanks"I replied while blushing.

I walked speedily to my room and went straight to the mirror,I wanted to know if he was making fun of me because I know how boys can be or he was actually right,well I couldn't decide if he was right or not,I spent fifteen minutes staring at my face in the mirror and thinking about his compliment.

"Jeez,stop,is just a compliment,stop blushing so hard"Said my inner voice.

"What??!!,am not blushing"I said and quickly left my room to tidy the house .

After tidying up the house and taking a bath,I settled down to do my literature assignment which ended shortly because of the door bell.

"Is Mich at home?"Olivia asked.

"Yes, where else will she be?? You know she doesn't go out and why are you here sef??,You just disturbed my game"Mason replied rudely.

"I came to see my boyfriend mtchw and who asked you if I know she doesn't go out or not??!!Oga is Mich at home??!!Oversabi"Olivia snapped eyeing him from head to toe.

Did I forget to mention that my brother is rude and He and Olivia do not agree at all,they literally hate each other. Jace and I hurried downstairs before they finish each other with hurtful comebacks.

"Now Oli Sweetheart,dont stress your sweet voice or waste your saliva on him,I know he is annoying don't mind him"Jace intervened.

"Olivia baby,hotcake you are looking hot today o!!"I hailed her while on our way to my room.

I closed my door and brought my books out so Oli and I could study.

"You didn't tell me Jace was here na"Olivia said

"Ah ah,I didn't think it would be important if I told you that one "I replied.

"Anyways,let's do this literature assignment and forget about Mr Cute before Mr John slaughter us on Monday"She said.

"Thank God,you know"I giggled.


"Good morning Sir"We greeted Principal Paul after he walked into our class with a new girl.

"She seems nice"I whispered to Olivia.

"I know right"Olivia whispered yelled to me.

"So class,as you can see,with me here is a new student"Principal addressed us.

"I am leaving now, introduce yourself to your new classmates and try to fit in"Principal said to the new girl in a friendly manner.

The principal left the class and everyone was trying to introduce themselves to her.Daniel,our class prefect was the first to speak up first.

"Hi,I'm Daniel,the prefect of this class,Welcome to SS3 Art class"He addressed her.

"I'm Ifeyinwa Okorie,Nice to meet you all"She said while wearing a wide smile.

Ifeyinwa was chocolate skinned,of average heights and seemed to have a happy-go-lucky nature,she was also beautiful.

Everybody was still introducing themselves when our form mistress,Miss Chioma walked into our class.

"I heard we have a new student"She said.

"Yes ma!!We do"We all replied her

"Okay,good where is she??"She asked

Ifeyinwa stood up with her backpack and introduced herself,Miss Chioma assigned her a seat with Tobi as her seatmate whose seat was next to us.

"Hi,I'm Olivia and this is Michelle,I hope you are fitting in perfectly"Olivia introduced ourselves to her.

"Yes,I'm fitting in quite well,Thank you"She replied while smiling.

"I think we all are going to be good friends"Olivia whispered to me.

It was time for break,we showed Ifeyinwa the places in the school and we headed for the cafeteria.

"This school is nice,I like it"Ifeyinwa said to us.

"I know right,you know it is one of the best schools in Asaba"Olivia said.

I have been quiet for unknown reasons since we finished showing her around the school, SS3 Science boys were walking towards us with Jace along with them.For some reasons I seemed happy to see him

"You definitely still have a crush on him"My subconscious said.

"Hell no"I said aloud fighting back that thought.

"Are you okay"Jace asked bringing me back to reality.

"Emmm...yeees I am,how are you??"I replied while stuttering the whole time.

"Okay then,you must be the new girl,nice to meet you, I'm Jace from SS3 Science class"He introduced himself to Ifeyinwa.

"I'm Ifeyinwa......"She blushed.

She was cut short by the next statement from Jace.

"Nice name for an attractive girl,it suits you"Jace remarked.

He winked at her and walked away with his hands in his pocket leaving her looking like a red tomatoe.

"He is so cute,why am I not in science class sef"She said more like a statement than a question.

"You are not serious"Olivia chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and walked away,I didn't want to be suffocated by Jace's talk all over.