
Chapter 4

I kissed Tobi in front of everyone with the big lie that he is my crush,I could feel eyes on me but one I could feel and see was that anger, surprise and disappointment.

I quickly left for the pool so that I could be alone to think of my action and it's consequences and besides things were already awkward because of my action,Olivia was running behind me,trying to gain my attention I didn't give her a listening ear I just wanted to be left alone or probably go home. I sat close to the pool still thinking of my action when I felt a hand on my shoulder,it was Olivia.

"What are you doing here?You are supposed to be with your guests you know"I forced a smile.

"Well,we are about to cut the cake and is also getting late"She replied trying to force me back inside.

"Okay then,I will be there shortly"I lied looking at the pool.

"I know you are not coming,you are obviously lying and is because of the kiss right"She said feeling concerned.

"Do you really like Tobi because I know you did it because of Ife....."She was about to finish her statement when I cut her short.

"Oli,I know you are worried about me but I don't want to talk about it besides there is nothing to worry about"I stated with a fake smile on my face.

She left after awhile,I felt empty I didn't know why because am not supposed to be thinking of a boy knowing fully well that I have to pursue my dreams to make my mum proud but I felt as if I broke someone's heart,my thoughts were cut short again by a male figure sitting next to me,it was Tobi.

"Hey you"Tobi said punching my arm.

"Ouch!I wish that hurt"I replied emotionless.

"Wasup with you,few minutes ago you kissed me as your crush and now you are acting cold to me,isn't this supposed to be the best opportunity for us to date,I mean I like you and you like me,so what are we waiting for?"He said hoping for an opportunity to make us an item.

I was already irritated by my actions and now his presence


Calm down,the best thing to do as a teenager is to ignore him and walk away from him to avoid argument and hurtful words,you don't want to ruin your friend's birthday,Do you? My inner voice said to me.

I decided to listen to my subconscious and walk away,it was 6:42 PM and I wanted to go home badly,I told Olivia I was leaving,she gave me some sweets and cake to take home.

Now it was time to look for my brother,I saw him standing with Jace looking for someone,I walked towards their direction.

"Hey,are you guys looking for me ? I'm right here,Mason can we please go home, I'm tired"I told my brother.

We were leaving but it seemed that Jace wasn't going to go home today,he was going to have a sleepover at our house.

Wow!!!Great!! remind me that tonight is going to be the worst night of my life

We got home and met Maya in the living room watching Toy Story 3 on her laptop.

"Welcome back,my darling siblings and Jace,oya where is my cake,no cake no room entry"She said jingling our room keys in our faces.

"You are not serious,give me my keys joor,am so tired,infact take the cake sef"I said giving her the cake wrapped in foil.

I asked Maya of mum and she said she was asleep,I walked straight to my room hoping to do the same,Thank Goodness tomorrow is Saturday.

I jumped on my bed, shutting my eyes to allow darkness take me to the land of dreams and sweet sleep.

It was disrupted by a knock on my door.

Jace's POV

When she was dared to kiss her crush.For a moment I thought the kiss was going to change everything and make things easier for me to express my feelings for her but as they say "Do not count your chicks before they hatch".

Well,I guess I counted them and it did not end well for me.

When she stood up and starting coming towards my direction,my eyes were full of happiness but it ended shortly when she kissed the guy next to me who happened to be Tobi Kennedy,the one guy,who should I say I dislike?!! Yes I disliked him,not because he was more good-looking than me,nay,am more good-looking infact I'm actually cute and attractive as they say.

Am so full of myself

I disliked Tobi because of his natural ability to make girls laugh,he was funny and he had this cool vibe that attracted people unlike me,the cold guy who is only attractive because of his looks.

When she kissed Tobi,I saw my tiny world I was planning for the two of us crashing,by that kiss,she made it known to everybody that Tobi was the guy she liked but she didn't seem happy,it seemed she was forced to do it and I was going to find out the truth.

When she left the game to cool her head somewhere,I wanted to run after her and question her but I decided I will do that later.

Many people were gossiping about the kiss and Tobi ofcourse was very very happy infact if there was something more than happiness,that would be what he was experiencing at that moment.The party ended,I called my stepmum and informed her I was going to sleepover at Mason's place,she gave me permission not as if she cared,I think am one of those children who never experienced motherly love because my mum left my dad when I was 4 so I grew up with a stepmum who cares less about me,nobody knows about this except Mason.

We got home and all this while,Mich was quiet,she only had a little talk with her sister about their mum before she entered her room.

I decided that this will be the perfect opportunity to talk to her.

Michelle's POV

My sleep was interrupted by the knock on my door,I told whoever it was to come in,hoping it was my mum.It happened to be Jace,I was surprised and actually became uncomfortable.

Why are you uncomfortable now that he is here,you don't still like him,Do you ?

No I don't like him.

Then good,get your shit together.

What if he brings up the kiss.

He won't.

How do you know that,is not as if you are in his mind or something.

I argued with my subconscious

"Hellloooo!!Michelle"Jace said bringing me back to reality.

"I hope you are not here to make out with me in my mother's house"I said jokingly.

"No na!I don't want to die now and if we ever want to make out,it won't be here"He said in a flirty manner while winking at me.

Michelle,Do not fall for this!!!

"Emm... alright"I said while blushing.

"So Tobi is about to be our in-law!Wow! and you didn't tell me,I feel sad"He said with puppy eyes.

Arrgh!!He is so cute,why didn't I kiss him when I had the chance to,Stupid me!!

"And I am about to have an in-law too"I replied.

"Who?"He asked confused.

Hope this one doesn't have short term memory

"Ifeyinwa na,she said she likes you, remember??"I said those words with pain in my heart.

"Mtchwwww and so,if she likes me,that's her problem na,I don't like her"He hissed.

"Jace,haba na!!Pity for her"I said already diverting the topic.

"Let's be serious,so you like Tobi?"He asked straightforwardly.

The big question is finally here,I told you

"Yes"I replied avoiding his eyes.

"That's a lie and you know it,you can't even look me in the eyes and reply"He stated raising my face towards his.

I think he is angry

Ofcourse he will be angry

I know that!!

I raised my head up to look at him.

"You like him right??"He asked again.

"NO"I finally admitted.

I wasn't that kind of person who could lie straight into someone's face,it wasn't that easy.

I had to tell him the truth to relieve my conscience,besides this will be our first secret.

"So why did you kiss him?"He asked.

Enough with the questions!!

"I had to, Ifeyinwa said you were her crush and it would have been heartbreaking to her if I kissed you,You see my point!!"I stated the obvious.

"First of all,what you did shows you are a good friend, secondly,you did the right thing in the wrong manner"He remarked.

"So who do you like then?If is not Tobi"He asked.

Why is he asking the obvious??

"What is it with the questions?"I asked.

"No need to answer!I already know"He smirked.

"Now that you know,I actually like you but I don't love you,get the difference"I said.

"We will see about that"He winked at me and left.