You still have him

After hanging up the phone, Sarah found that the entire focus of her friends are over her. She know that her friends are the best in gossips. She just sit beside them silently without bothering.

"Are you done with the talks? Can you now focus on the people who are here for you.....", said Lina Shi

" Let her be in the world of cloud nine for sometime. She just finished all the talks that she has been kept inside for a long time.", said Celine with a giggle.

"Is everything ok Sarah........",asked Kara. She know that she have a internal triff in her mind.

" Everything is going well. I just thinking about taking a job for living. See I am no longer is a well doted second generation young miss of the Zhou's."

"Why are you saying so....", it came from Celine

" Because she feels that she can't relay on someone who is not her's now.", Kara tried to others just to not let the others know about the things Sarah been going through as Sarah don't want them to know about it.

"If you not feel comfortable with doing a job right now just let it take it's time to happen don't push so hard.", worried Lina said these as she know how hard it is to face the reality after a strong blow.

That to like losing the only related person and within a month, selling all that meant to be yours and go back to a normal life which these second generation young misses don't experienced before.

" No , the problem is not that I am ready, I just don't know whether I will fulfill the expectations of the hirer if I get a job. Because for me Art have always been my only focus so far. Just for my love Father let me to do fashion and jewelry designing. I know nothing about businesses. But I just can't relay on it now to led my life, since there are only a few companies that indulge in designing field in this country."

"Sarah you better keep these worries aside and try your best to find a job. We can help you to know about it even though we are not experts in it." Kara said .

To the complete contrast," Girls what the hell are you talking about? See she is Sarah Zhou who has all beauty and always look like a living Aphrodite. Apart from all this she is the fiancée of Dylan, the only heir of Prince enterprise, the one the entire city look upon and all the girls in the town fall head over toe just to have a look of him.But he only dotes our Sarah. Since Sarah have Dylan why she need to work?"Celine said it with a wink.

" Sarah, we know that you only do what you feels good for you from the very beginning. you was never wrong in your decisions of life so far so just do the same now too.", Kara

" That sounds right....." said both the other girls simultaneously.

" Since this triff got over can we switch the topic now.", said Kara.

They started to talk about all the happenings of city A till late night. But Sarah can't get over the mentioning of Dylan....When the girls left and she is all alone in the room, She started to think about him...." I have Dylan , the prince of Prince enterprise..... Hmm what a irony!" she said it out with a despair.