Happy Co-operation

As soon as Sarah agreed to be a shareholder of Vinzar, Ryan made her an independent Board member of New Imperium with a share percentage of 38%. With the help of Stephan, Ryan hastened the procedures and included the conditions Sarah kept before him. He also makes sure that things go right as he planned.

Even though Stephan has been with Ryan since new Imperium made its growth, He was a little confused with the recent actions of Ryan. All these years no one ever understands what actually Ryan means when he says out the things that he says. He had never seen Ryan this concerned over a person apart from her closed circle of contact which only included his mother and someone who he sometimes contacted through phone.

Moreover, his concern towards Sarah that he decided to asked her to be his partner and made her a Board member even though he never intended to have a lot of partners in business apart from Auctioning his project that he gets bored of. This overwhelmed concern had made a thing clear to Stephan that Sarah is someone more precious for Ryan that he takes care of her things personally.

But he didn't get Why Ryan has been so hideous and do things on the back of her. But he is clear that no matter Sarah is same as Ryan for him.

With a clear mind, Stephan under take the task more carefully and make sure that everything is done according to the will of both the party and often took the concern of both parties. Stephan invited Sarah on behalf of Ryan to sign the agreement of took over the position.

"Hello, Mr. Stephan. Looks like Mr. Ryan won't be here today. Isn't he the one who has been so eager to make this deal.", She entered the chairman's office and took her seat opposite to an empty chair.

"Ms. Zhou, Sir have an important thing to deal with and it is his personal thing that I dare not to interfere." And handed over the agreement.

"May I call you assistant Stephan?"

"Miss, Sir has assigned me to be your assistant as well. So you can call me that."

"What?? Are you okay to be the assistant of both the person at the same time? Or is your boss trying to keep an eye on me as he afraid that I will steal back Vinzar again?" and started to take a look in the terms mentioned in the agreement.

"Sir made this arrangement to make your work easier. As you are new to this field as you said and new to new imperium, He wants to assign someone more reliable to assist you. He trusts me and assigned me to do that for you. Also I don't feel it as a bother. So you can rely on me with no concern. When it comes the thing that Miss. Zhou wants to take back Vinzar, I don't think that giving you what actually belong to you need no watch. You can relive me whenever you want to do so."

Listening to what he says, Sarah's eyes caught the words 'shareholder', '38% of share', 'Independent board member of New Imperium', 'president of Vinzar'.

"Assistant Stephan, Didn't we agree on me being an independent board member of Vinzar? Why it says that I hold 38% of share that makes me the second largest shareholder of New Imperium."

"Miss, That's because that share value of Vinzar under New Imperium is nearly 55% of new Imperium's total share. With Three Shareholder Excluding Mr. Ryan, you have to hold at least 35% to act as an independent board member. To meet your condition, he allocated 60% of the share contribution of Vinzar which sums up to 25% and 10% of his share and you both hold a 3% share jointly to make sure both retain your positions. That sums up 38% under your name. As for making you the Independent board member of New Imperium, you have to be a board member of New Imperium to be the president of any business holding to meet your second condition of not interfering in your decisions."

"Your Boss is really very considerate. Now I have what I asked for I sign it." She signed the agreement.

When she handed over the agreement, She asked Stephan to contact Ryan as she had something to ask for. And Stephan contacted Ryan.

"Sir, Miss Zhou says that she has something to ask for" and handed the phone to Sarah.

"Happy co-operation Mr. Ryan. Thanks for being considerate. I have another favor to ask for. May I?"

"Yes you can."

"I know you raised my position to be president of Vinzar. But, Since I am new to do business, May I ask you to let me work as a managing director in order to understand the work nature? I assure you, I will grasp things faster."

"Miss. Zhou, I already accepted your condition of not interfere with the decisions you make regarding Vinzar. So you don't need to ask me about it. I know that taking things really into our own hands makes things much easier to get success and It gives people pleasure and satisfaction. Even I sometimes do this. That is the reason I never gone public in these years"

"That is not the actual thing I need to ask. Can you delay the announcement about our co-operation?"

"If there is a specific reason…No need to state the reason out."

"Yes I have."

"Then I agree."

When Sarah about to hang up the phone she heard a girl's voice calling out Ryan's name in excitement. She hung up it immediately understanding his personal reason.