Chapter 10.5

The ride took Lyra a minute to get to as she was not only get her things together to move back into the dorms but she had to make a call to her father.

She opens her computer as she set up a video chat.Her father had short blonde hair that Lyra took after from but eyes as yellow as gold.Her father always had deep authority voice even when she was a child.It did not soften when her brother came soon after.Her mother was always taking care of the sensitive sides of the werewolves and was on the go throughout most of their childhood.

She could feel her throat tighten and dry as if she had not been drinking tea before this.Her hands shake uncontrollably as she awaits for her father to answer.As the chat made a beep signaling her father had recieve her call, "Father, this is Lyra reporting in to let you know the girl has been moved to Rosewood Academy."

A low growl was heard as he began to speak,"What?!Who authorized the transfer?Does she seem to know the truth?"

"Based off of surveillance, she does not have any clue.All she knows is that she been living a lie in this oneway town,"she continues as she grips her hands to stop them from shaking with fear.

"Good.If she awakens to her power, it will be the end to us all.Go forth and complete your mission or there will ne consequences,"he ends the call as Lyra finally breathe normal again.

"The car is ready,milady,"Kikyo annouces as Lyra rise up from her seat with her own eyes glowing,"Time to stop this before it gets worse."

Lyra's car just pulled in the parking lot as Azure was there to greet her. "Welcome back. Classes have already began, "he bows as Lyra twirls her fingers in her hair as her brother was already outside to greet her in his full wolf form. "Sis, we won't have to worry about her anymore. "She sighs as she crosses her arms and a swish of her tail, "How and why don't we?" He smirks, "Seem like she pissed off the prince Shigure so he hit her full force with a dodgeball made by Furio-sensei. "She couldn't trust what her brother said as she felt an immense power coming from the school. "Then, who's going berserk right now? Kikyo, go survey the situation and report back to me."

She bows as she disappears in her shadow and reappears on top of the lights in the gymnasium.

"Why are you not going sis?" Ren asks as he scratches his ears with Lyra sighing for what seem like the fifteenth time today." As you know Kikyo was given to us so that should anything more powerful than us appear, she can restrain them. If that girl has awaken fully to it, then we need to be careful, "with that, she grabs her bags and follow Azure to her room with Ren right behind her.

"What did dad say," he asks as his ears droop in worry. "What he always says. She shouldn't be this powerful so soon. She still has a month or so left," she twist her hair with her fingers in deep thought.

Was it because of the physical stress and damage done to her body? If so, will she know what she actually is?