Why Would You Want To?

Selestia was surprised. It was such an abrupt request coming from Grandel. She looked at him with an ungentle countenance.

"Why would you wish to come with me and live in Thuhelda, Grandel?"

Grandel's eyes glanced to his father, he gulped thereupon, and he spoke politely, "May I answer your question but privately?"

Selestia grimaced at Barlock, he flinched as he felt the fear instilled in him since the moment he witnessed Selestia's tyranny.

"Duke Barlock, leave this room this instant…"

"But, milady, I would want to speak with you as well. I beg of you to spare me some time…"

Selestia glared at him with a glare that was filled with malicious contempt. "Who are you to think that you, an unofficial duke would take my time? Do you think you are more significant than the Duke of Celeste's precious Capital City? Know your place, Barlock."

Barlock could feel the goosebumps live on his skin, and with no other choice, he left the room with no word that left his tongue.

Selestia's eyes then pushed their focus back on Grandel. "Now, what did you say your answer will be, Grandel?"

"My princess, on the years I served for you, I've remained devoted to you. After I learned how the Imperial Palace governs Thuhelda, I want to serve my service to you until then. I want to see you be hailed Empress of Thuhelda, I want the rest of my years devoted to you."

Selestia was dumbfounded, she knew not that Grandel could behave like this. Not even once did he ever speak mightily of his devotion to her. In every aspect, Grandel never really spoke of his opinions to anyone. He only rumored what he heard.

"My, I never knew you could be like this, Grandel. Or is it that you want to attain something from Thuhelda? Speak your mind, dare, I won't stop you."

Grandel gulped, "I want you to freely leave Thuhelda whenever you wanted without being imposed of any danger. My princess, you are the life that breathed in me since then, I have realized how I'd fall apart without you."

Selestia scoffed, her eyes rolling as if she had not cared about any of Grandel's concerns. "Is this a confession, Grandel?" She jested.

"I am not taunting you, milady. During my days in Thuhelda, I deeply am concerned for you. The great princess of Celeste shall not fall."

His tone was austere, his eyes were sincere in his words.

'Guess he would not be the type to jest about this matter.' She sighed.

"In simpler words, you, Grandel would want to come with me to Thuhelda? Are you willing to forfeit your nobility in Celeste, then?"

"I couldn't care less of the noble title I possess, milady. Prince Fritz and I had vowed to one another as best of friends to ensure your safety. I could not bear to let my friend down."

Selestia smiled, "I love your attitude and commitment toward me and the vow you swore with my brother, Grandel but I'm afraid I can't let you."

Grandel was confused, why can't he? Is his concern for her safety not valid enough to consider him coming?

"I don't know why people are obsessed with me bringing them with me to Thuhelda but Grandel, you still have to serve for me amid Celeste."

What Selestia want was an eye to look after what she'll be leaving behind. Because Grandel, aside from her brother was her most trusted man, Grandel is the most suitable to look over Celeste. The King, the Queen, and the Duchess are people who upset Selestia's values, she can't vouch for Celeste's security with them around. Not until Fritz is crowned will Celeste be under better government.

"Well, now that one matter's disclosed. Shall we discuss what I significantly came here for? Everything that you learned about Thuhelda…"

Selestia's ears inclined to listen, to every detail Grandel has to say, she willed to listen and list them one by one. Without this, there will be no hope for her in escaping the land.

After Fritz had learned about Selestia's nuptial rendezvous with the Emperor of Thuhelda, Selestia confided to him about the entirety of the plan.

Selestia believed that Celeste will not win against Trost, especially since Trost had called other nations from outside the Uryashan conglomerate. Trost which was reigned by a King whose mother was from outside Uryasha has great connections with powerful nations under many continents.

Trost was known for making treaties and alliances with many nations, more importantly, Trost never stood their guard down. Their ruler might have a stubborn head for refusing to give up hundreds of times. Surely, his thirst is centered only on gaining Hestown and the diamond therein the volcano.

Because of this, Celeste will have a slim chance of winning or even minimizing the deaths of their men.

Thuhelda on the other hand, known as the most powerful nation in all the world could support Celeste in battle. Maybe even upon knowing the union both the nations will put together through matrimony, and Trost and the other nations might even surrender. But this wasn't Selestia's sole purpose. Selestia wanted to dominate as many nations as she could, earn the trust of many people, and make Celeste prosper.

It wasn't a dreadful plan, precisely. Selestia will use this inescapable betrothal to her advances as she pleased. For her, what's more, important is the rise of Celeste. She couldn't care less if Thuhelda will come its fall or even if it continue to rise as long as Celeste, her nation would be given the continental acknowledgment it deserves.

That was her plan, but Selestia's greed grew immensely after she heard Grandel's description of Thuhelda's conglomerate. Her eyes lit brightly as if she wanted to acquire everything that Thuhelda possesses.

The throne, the wealth, the people, the soldiers, the nations, and all within its reach.

Selestia who'd lived all her days, chin up and graced with abundance. Her hands who were asked by many nations into marriage wanted to be looked upon more. If Celeste would prosper shouldn't she too?

Then maybe getting her hands on Thuhelda might work.