Do I Have To Wait?

"Do I have to wait for you to be ready, Selestia?" he spoke nonchalantly. It was as if he cared not at all, it was as if he just wanted to be sufficed with pleasure.

'How insensitive. Then, it was true. Truly, he was frigid, he cared not of anyone but himself...' She grimaced. 'How I shamed myself.'

His hands held his chin, he sighed heavily. His palms laid the rest on the bed as he used them to get up.

Venemiah crossed his arms though an aggravated manifestation painted his face, he gazed at her with a menace.

"Is this...your first time?" he inquired.

She scoffed, "Do you suppose that an eighteen-year-old woman would be chaste no more?"

He chortled. Truly, he did not think of it.

"Apologies, my Empress...How foolish of me to not think of the such a matter."

"What did you intend to do? It was for certain the people would find it suspicious that we consummate not. Are we sitting here for the simple goal of leisure?"

His hand caressed his chin, a trail of notions traced on his head whilst he thought.

"Leave this to me..." He assured.

Selestia tilted her head with unrest and confusion.

'What was he thinking? How does he suppose to cover up this insolence I inaugurated? I solely vie to see his response for this purpose. I knew not how to predict his volatile and unpredictable self, this was the only way I could study him. But for the record, he seemed frigid but somehow he cared for me?'

Selestia had thought that he would throw a fit once she said she was chaste, his first response seemed to have made her nervous but he was not insensitive after all. She found that intriguing, could it be that he was frigid to his subjects but not to her? Could he have valued his Empress greater than his subjects?

Selestia was yet to uncover many behaviors and routines of his. It was a strategy she found just for her to easily utilize and wield him for her sole purpose.

"We have to deceive them..." He sighed.

'That was his solution?' Selestia was dumbfounded. 'I thought he would come up with something wiser than that, a masterplan I thought of. How come it was this simple? Does he not reserve his intelligence for such as this?'

"If ever someone found out that we never spent the night to copulate, the ministers will vie the inaugural of the consortium..."

"Do you not want that? You can have any woman you like and make a family with them."

His forehead creased, his eyes glared a menace, and a grimace smudged on his countenance.

"Have you not read the letter I sent you before? I never need more women nor do I wish for the inaugural of the consortium..."

His eyes started to detonate his sights on hers, "I want no other woman but you, Hera. May this be the last time I repeat myself..."

Selestia felt eccentric about this manner of his. They have just met so why was he acting this way?

He could have a diminutive knowledge about her that may have come from rumors, observation of people, and such but that insufficient amount of input about her would not have founded feelings for her, can it?

So why was he acting like this?

'Is he doing this for his image? Is he vying to be a different ruler who never once proclaimed infidelity? If that could be true, then this act of his is sensible. After all, why would the frigid and merciless emperor of the great lands of Thuhelda act so in love with me, some Empress? He could have had an objective to function like this. Who am I even to make this great of an emperor fall in love with me when they first met? It could only be love at first sight...'

She chortled at her own thought, "Love at first sight? Pfftt-"

Venemiah's ears raised from hearing her, she was dumbfounded to learn that what was only supposed to be said in her mind had been spoken out loud.

"Pardon..." She meekly spoke softly.

He snickered, slowly, he paced back on the mattress and sat himself down in the comfort of the accommodation. "I will delude myself and pretend I have never heard you..."

Selestia tossed her eyes up. "How could even the discussion of what we were supposed to do to deceive the people come to this..."

"It seemed that you have numerous of matter to talk about..." He smiled.

"Shall we lead this subject away?" She altered the subject, her hands were resting on her lap, in a manner of austerity, Selestia added, "Again, how could we even deceive a large number of people of Thuhelda? And I assure you, Emperor, that Thuhelda will not be the only nation to hear the such a matter. News will spread vastly in all of Uryasha given that Thuhelda had the highest prestige in all of the continents. And might also be all of the worlds."

Selestia looked at him, she had a rigorous expression as she anticipated him to speak of what he intended to do.

"Indeed, as they said you were wise."

Selestia was disesteemed whilst her dental clicked to form a tutting sound. She had gradually been overbearing for his dillydallying, it kept prolonging her suspense and it irked her greatly.

"How long will you keep prolonging this matter, Your Highness? We could have left each other tonight if you had just uttered what plan you have in mind. Or you, the great Emperor of Thuhelda have not reserved any plot in mind?" she provoked.

Her hands crossed, her eyes lit provocatively at him, loitering for him to react in an anticipatory expression. It was pride that was portrayed in her countenance, that one subjugating gaze that fused the fire in her eyes.

'I wonder how he would respond...Venemiah of Thuhelda, show me your face, I provoke you, did I not?'

Her fingers dabbed on her elbows whilst his face was astounded catching a glimpse of her provocative manner.

'I heard my Empress was a toxin, from what I knew, she was always a menace that she proved to be perilous to whoever she interacted with. It was intriguing to see her behaving this way up close.'

Selestia then was dumbfounded as Venemiah replied calmingly. 'He...was not incited?'

Maybe to others, it could be pointless why she craved so much to know of his every move and behavior, but to Selestia it is an important factor to easily fulfill what she came there to do. After all, it was believed to keep your friends close but keep the enemies closer and that was her guideline so that she could execute her master plan.

In knowing what could incite him could serve as a warning to what stunt could she not do when he was around. But it seemed like he was never incited nor angered by her behavior.

He chuckled before his response, "We have to act as if we did, Selestia. That was my "masterplan" just what you have called it."

Selestia tilted her head confused, "In what way should we pretend? Do tell me so I won't be the one left hanging..."

Venemiah respond with a snicker, it was sinister as if a plan was formed through mischief, a malfeasance of a plan was brought light to her.