Erella became excited when she saw the royal guards guarding the gate of the palace because she was a fan of a handsome young man in a uniform when she was Sandy. She narrowed her eyes while walking towards them just to see them. But still, she could not see them clearly because they were against the light of the light post. When she was already near them, she saw how macho they were, so she was expecting them to be handsome young men with their cool uniforms, just like in the anime she watched when she was Sandy. But her expectations were far from reality. And she was really disappointed because the guards were not handsome or even young. They were middle-aged men with big muscles and mustaches. And worst of all, their uniforms were too simple! Their uniforms are red long sleeves with a white belt on the waist paired with black pants and black shoes. Also, they were wearing long furry black hats on their head.