No Exception

"Hey-hey! Ceruty speaking," she answered on the glasses.

"Put her on speakers," Aki asked, sitting in front of me.

The glasses read my command instantly and did as Aki said, then I replied, "Hello, Ceruty. I'm Kaito Miyahara, Blostars' manager."

"I know who you are."

I said it out of formality….

"I still can't believe you watched my video and that you're interested in being interviewed by me. You know what you're getting into, right?"

"Yes. I saw you telling your viewers that you have no brakes and that you'll ask any question you can think of."

"You know it, then. When do you wanna do the interview?"

"I'm available whenever you want to do it."

"In two hours."

The words stuck in my throat. "That's a bit too soon, but sure—"

"Alright, alright. Tomorrow noon, whaddya think?"

"That's better. What do I need to do?"