A cold substance runs down Abby's face and she jolts her up, her vision still blurry. She flinches when a bright light penetrates through her slightly parted lids.
"Oh my goodness Erl, she's awake," comes a feminine voice. The sound of footsteps is heard but Abby can't see anything. Slowly the blurry figure in front of her starts to take a shape and colours begin to fill the black and white space. It was an elderly woman with ginger red hair and pale skin.
"Oh my goodness, thank God you're awake," the woman says, sympathy in her eyes. Abby pushes herself up from the ground and touches her head where a swelling had begun to form.
An elderly man stoops next to the woman, a proud smile on his face. "All those CPR classes finally paid off," he beams and just the thought of the old man's lips against hers, causes her to lunge forward, bile bursting out of her mouth and onto the woman's dress.