I've always wanted to be strong enough to protect someone ever since when I was little and I would see Dad beat Mom up .
When I grew up, I took lots of boxing classes to be fit but Mom never liked any of this.
" Stop taking boxing classes , Nathan . Why don't you just do well in your academics and get a good job when you grow up , okay ?"
" So annoying. If you know you don't want me to do this then why did you allow yourself get beat up by Dad everyday ?!. Why didn't you fight back for once ?!"
I took studies seriously for Mom's sake but I was going to do what I wanted to do for me .
That's why I was Infront of DELORE INC wanting to apply for the bodyguard post .I get to use my strength this way as a bodyguard to protect people.
Like I'd always wanted to do.
" Applicant 206" a female secretary called out .
I stood up and walked into the office of the chairman's father , Ken Delore.
" I'll cut to the chase young man. you saw the incident that happened earlier ,didn't you ?" He asked.
I was confused for a while then remembered the incident of when the Nate Delore was slapped ."oh,do you mean -"
" Yes that . I would be giving you this job to keep you quiet about the issue . Do you have any objections?"
Wait, does that mean I would be given this job ... illegally?
" I think there's been a mistake sir .I never had any intention of speaking about the matter to anyone "
" Then does that mean you don't want the job ? "
"I'm not saying-"
" Listen to me young man. I'm a very busy person so all I want from you is a yes or no "
I squeezed my fist "Yes sir , I accept the job "
" Good , Secretary Bessy, take him to the chairman's office "
A young lady came out and bowed her head " yes sir" she turned to me " let's go , sir ".
I stood up and followed her .
We got to the main floor and standing Infront of the chairman's office she said " you are expected to be at the side of the chairman at all costs . Further instructions would be given to you soon. With that ,have a nice day sir "
With that said , she walked away and I started feeling nervous .
I decided a call to Mom would help me feel better .
" Hello, son "
" Mom, I just got a job "
" Really ? Where?"
" Oh my , you mean that big company we see on tv all the time ?"
" Yes , Mom. I'm about to start work so I just decided to check up on you. Make sure you eat okay ?"
" Okay , son "
The line went beep .
I was about to knock on the door when it opened and an angry stormed out .
" And who are you ? " He asked .
" Nathaniel, sir . Mr Nate's new bodyguard "
" Okay, do a good job " he patted my back and walked away .
Why was I supposed to enter now after it looked like Mr Nate and that man has had an heated argument .
" You can do this , Nathan" .
I stepped into the office and closed the door gently. Mr Nate was completely fixed on something on his computer and was muttering something like " so it's all about avoiding losses... "
I walked towards his desk and said " Mr Nate "
But no response. He kept on doing what he was doing and suddenly he started searching for something around him " where is it ?"
" Mr Nate "
" I'm sure it was somewhere-"
" Mr Nate "
" What the hell do you want, can't you see I'm busy ??!!!"
I was shocked at his sudden outburst but then I regained my composure and asked " what are you looking for? Do you need my help ?"
Mr Nate just kept on looking at me so intensely that I think I may have screwed up my first day.
I kept on looking at the man infront on me .
Wow ! this was one piece of artwork. His mouth moved, yeah he was saying something but right now I couldn't process anything .
" Mr Nate " he called out .
Oh right, I'm not Kate anymore. I'm Nate .
Looking at him that way would stirr up confusion.
" What did you say ?" I asked
"Are you looking for something? Can I help you with it?"
Oh yes ! I was looking for something .
" The USB " I said looking around and continuing my search for it . I wasn't comfortable with this bodyguard here" you said your name is ...."
" Nathan , Nathaniel for full sir "
" Well, I don't need a bodyguard in here while doing my work so you can go out or something for the main time "
" But the Secretary said ..."
" Hey , who is your boss ?me or that Secretary "
" Well.." he scratched his head and bowed down" then I would be outside , sir ".
He turned around and headed for the door and then I saw it . The USB was on the floor and he was about to step on it .
" Hold on !" I shouted . " The USB is infront of you , please help me with it ".
"Ah, okay " . He bent down to pick it up and then walked back to put in on my table and left .
I plugged the USB to the system and saw all the files I was looking for .
I was more than ready now to prove myself to everyone after blabbing to Mr An to " watch me closely".
I slapped my mouth"why did you say that ,huh? Do you think an overnight fashion designer can run the company smoothly ?"
I opened the a file that contained the company stocks. Even after researching , all this still looked gibberish to me.
My door opened again. Thinking it was the bodyguard I said "hey, go home already or else you will be fired"
I looked up and to my surprise it was Mr .An's daughter- Trisha .
Remember how I told you all that Mr.An's daughter and Nate were supposed to be married but then I didn't give you the full story? You might want to get your popcorn for this one.
Trisha had always loved Nate since we were I don't know 10 ? At that time , you wouldn't think it was love but then that's what she said . I know because Trisha tells me everything. Apparently Trisha and I are best bud .
So when Nate said he liked her back , it seemed like maybe 10 years later or so after dating and breaking up with many girls during that time(well, who knows what he did abroad though , right ?) their marriage was already something that both families agreed on .
Obviously , the plan was for him to marry Trisha and then go back abroad to continue his studies but then Nate had said that he wasn't coming back yet and that the wedding wasn't going to hold anymore because he and Trisha had broken up .
The headache of the family striked again.
This led to a fallout in the relationship between Dad and Mr An .Trisha was depressed during that time.
I was even confused with that scence from earlier involving that lady because the only way they would have met is if Nate did come back here during that time before his actual returning now.
" Hey ??" Trisha asked in disbelief " how dare you refer to me as " hey " and before I forget -"Trisha walked up to me and slapped me .
Great ! I'm pretty sure Nate's happy he's dead and I'm the one receiving all his slaps.
"-not only did you end our marriage but still, how could you date someone else?!!"
She screamed and pulled me by the chest
" are going to fall in love one day and I hope that person does to you all that you have done to me and most of all...Kate Is...."
My bodyguard ran in and held Trisha .
" Ma'am please relax "
"...Kate is ..dead " she said crying.
I didn't know how to comfort my best friend and most especially I couldn't because Nate wasn't the type of person to console anyone .
Even in his grave , my beloved brother still stirred up trouble.