The following morning, I rushed out of the house and headed straight to work.

With the 'friendship' Mr Nate and I had formed, I think I was excited to see him today.

As I rushed up to Mr Nate's office, I was stopped by Secretary Bessy.

She cleared her throat" And where were you yesterday, young man?"

Secretary Bessy and I had a funny relationship. It was like we could tell eachother anything.

" I was at my father's memorial"

Bessy gasped " Oh my, are you okay?"she suddenly shook her head "Anyways, this is a work place . There are rules to how things work around here and one of them is to always take a leave from the chairman before going somewhere"Bessy sighed" I'm sure the chairman's father gave him an ear full again"

I looked at her confused"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean the chairman left his office before others yesterday and this is all your fault. You should have told him you won't be around"

"Is the chairman in his office yet?" I asked hurriedly.

Mr Nate stepped out of his and his gaze met mine "What are you doing standing there? Are you looking for me ?"


"Then step in"

I walked into his office and shut the door behind me.

Mr Nate took his seat and folded his arms "Speak up"

"By any chance,did you get in trouble yesterday because of me ?" I asked nervously.

Mr Nate sighed" Father is always looking for a reason to get mad at me. It has nothing to do with you .Is that all?"

I nodded my head. "Yes"

For some reason he felt strange. Different from how he was yesterday .

"Then go " Mr Nate said nodding his head towards the door.

I turned around to leave when he halted me.

"Wait. The CCTV. Did it record anything?"

I faced him" No . Nothing"

He nodded his head " lYou may leave now "

But I couldn't just leave like that. Not when I know that something was bothering him.

"You know " I spoke " You were there for me yesterday as a friend and not as the chairman so I would like to return the favor."

Was i crossing the line right now ? I don't know. I just spewed out what was on my mind .

"When things get hard you can come to me and like yesterday, I'll invite you in"

Mr Nate nodded his head "Thank you "

A knock on the door was heard and Secretary Bessy walked in "Sir,we have a problem"

Mr Nate and I rushed to the meeting room and when Mr Nate saw the stock chart, he clenched his fist angrily.

"What happened?" He asked through clenched teeth.

Karina from the marketing Team A had spoken up first slowly"Mr Ken told us not to follow the strategy you brought up. He said we should retain the former plan"

"I'M THE CHAIRMAN HERE SO WHY!!!!??"Mr Nate shouted as she slammed his hand on the table "Why did you listen to my father!"

Mr Nate stormed out angrily from the meeting room and walked into Mr Ken's office.

I looked at the stock chart. The company's stock had fallen by 20%.

I sighed deeply. What are we going to do now ?



I angrily threw the piece of paper with the company stock on the table Infront of Father" Look at what you've done !"

Father looked up at me with anger and in surprise"Are you shouting at me ?"

"The company stock fell because of you !!! Why did you change my plan!?"

I was angry. So very angry because now everyone would think I'm incompetent.

And also, Father belittled me in the worst possible way.

Father stood up from his seat and walked towards me "What do you know ? What gives you the assurance that your plan would have worked!!?" Father shouted pointing his fingers at me and pushing my head "What gives you the assurance that a fashion designer could know what's best for this company?"

I clenched my fist. "If you thought that way then why make me the chairman?why don't you just run the company?!"

With that said, I left father's office and heard him mutter "That rude brat"

When I walked into my office, I took a seat am looked up at Nathan who was looking intently at the stock chart.

"What can we do ?"

Nathan looked up at me and stuttered" I-I don't- "

"Please" I begged "Please , think of something"

I felt so useless at this point. It was a new feeling to me.

And I hated it. I sighed deeply.

"How were you so sure that your plan was going to work before?" I asked Nathan.

"It's just like this ;let's assume a situation where you and I are siblings. You are mom's favorite and I'm Dad's favorite but I was handed to Dad and you were handed to Mom. A fight breaks out because of this. What do you think is the proper solution to this ?"

"To swap us "

"Bingo "

I nodded my head. It all became clear now "So that's why you insisted on giving marketing team A Team B's work. You gave them what them what they were good at but now father has messed that up " I sighed "What do I do now ? " I looked up at Nathan" Is there really nothing you can think of ?"

Nathan shook his head"Oh, I just thought of something . It's not really-"

"Let's go with it "

"But it's risky"

"It's okay . I trust you "

Tega strode into DELORE inc smiling as he looked around and heads to the chairman's office.

Secretary Bessy stops him"Do you have an appointment?"

Tega scoffed and winked" I don't need an appointment"

He opens the door and walked in and smiles as he waves at Nate "Nate, I've missed you "

Just when things were getting bad the one person I would give anything not to see at this moment, Tega had strode in and made it worse.
