I walked into the house and went up to the living room to meet Nathan's mother.

Nathan's mother stood up hurriedly and greeted me " welcome, I didn't know you would be coming"

" I ought to " I replied smiling" Nathan and I are friends "

Nathan's mother appeared stunned as she turned her gaze to fix it on him .

Nathan looked away embarrassed " what? I can't have a friend?"

Nathan's mother shook her head and took me by the hand " this way, please"

When I stood Infront of Nathan's father picture, I bowed down three times.

This reminded me of my twin brother. He might have been the most annoying person in the world but I miss him .


When the memorial was over , Nathan's mother suggested I stayed to eat leaving Nathan and I alone at the dining table.

" Did everything go well at work?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, it did." I lied.

Nathan sighed in relief" That's good. I thought you would have a hard time "

I twitched my mouth in annoyance"hey, go and assist your mother "

Nathan looked at me in shock " haven't you heard? A guy is not supposed to be in the kitchen"

I laughed out loud " what? What sort of lame excuse is that?"

Nathan's mother looked back at them and smiled. Nathan had never brought a friend home before and it's been long she'd seen him smile.

She looked forward and continued cutting some vegetables.

"Forget it , I'll go help her " I said and stood up an walked towards the kitchen to meet his mother" mother, is there anything I can do to help?"

His mother shook her head" No, you should go back. It's almost ready"

I nodded my head and turned around to leave when she halted me "hey"

I faced her "yes?"

She stepped towards me a took my hands "Thank you for being friends with my boy"

I smiled and put my hands o we hers " Thank you too for letting him work as my bodyguard" I looked at Nathan who was at the dinning table " did you know ? He's really good in busniess."I turned back to face his mother

His mother smiled"Really?"

I nodded my head " yes. It's my pleasure to be friends with him too "I raised my hands to her cheeks and wiped off her tears.

" Oh, I didn't know I was crying" his mother said taken aback and suddenly wiped her face" you should go back in "

I nodded my head " okay"

I went back to the dining table and ten minutes later , his mother rejoined with the food.

"Thank you for the food " I said and we all digged in.

At this moment, it occurred to me that my family and I never sat around to eat like this.

Isn't it funny? That even those you think that have everything are still lacking something.

In this moment, I really understood what it felt like to be family.

When I get home, Father is probably going to get angry at me for leaving the office or something else if not that.

But for now , I was going to enjoy this moment.

We laughed as we ate. I might have given Nathan friendship, but he'd just given me family.
