Indeed, the night becomes a situation that supports the rhythm of fear. Behind the corpse, a man was pulled again into a zippered package. Everyone began to suspect a similar action again.
From the end of the housing wall, you can see the same girl glaring at her eyes widening straight again.
A detective man approached her, "You saw something?" the old man asked her.
The girl didn't even answer the questions to make a statement. However, one of those on guard went around trying to wake the girl from her frightened thoughts.
"No, why are you? How come it's like this, just now you can even talk, " one of the gloved complained.
"Maybe she's in shock, Sir. Let's just take her go out first to the hospital or to the house," suggested of a detective woman.
"Yeah, you're right! It seems that this has happened many times. Tell you what, we will bring this girl to protect her from her shock behavior so that it doesn't go any further,” suggested the leader of the members.