Nevan fell to the floor of the room slwoly with a nine tails that appeared suddenly. Is this a warning or just a response of the heart? It seems that Cho Ye Joon's figure can't wait to get out of Nevan's body.
However, the way that is still planned has not been carried out properly. Nevan looked up at the ceiling with a frown.
"Why should I?"
"And why do I have to get this figure of you?" Nevan complained with his natural whining nature.
“Huu, how pathetic!”
Nevan began to stare blankly at the contents of the room by glancing inside his body. "Wait a minute!" he called moving.
He also went to a mirror, where the form of Cho Ye Joon showed himself occasionally.
"I just noticed that we look so much alike," he said breathlessly.
Cho Ye Joon occasionally appeared, but disappeared slowly until Nevan couldn't believe he was looking at himself with the exact same aura and expression.
"This is weird," he mumbled.