Felix who shook his head to himself. Some of his friends passed through him who was still confused looking for the whereabouts of Nevan and Bellona.
"Well ah, I'd better go back alone!" he broke off across the sidewalk to the bus stop.
Accidentally met, Nevan and Bellona were seen sitting relaxing under the shade of the bus stop. Excitedly, Felix spread a smile bringing quick steps towards the two.
"Whoa!" Felix said waving.
The two of them were taken aback by the screams that came from not far away from them. Felix who was overjoyed looked dazzling to the eyes.
"Uh, that's Felix!" point to Nevan.
Deftly, Felix took a seat with them. Nevan looked at the face of his friend who was cheerful and happy.
"Why is matter with you?" Nevan asked curiously.
"Huh? Me?" Felix said still smiling broadly.
"Yes! You've been smiling ever since, it's been weird," Bellona said, glancing up and down at Felix.