Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire, Part 2

“I... I’m not,” Sam insisted. “I’m a healer...”

“And yet you weren’t able to resuscitate Red Weaver?” Warden Malarkey reminded him.

“I didn’t say I was a good healer,” Sam replied.

“Then how did you know about the type of poison she’d been dosed with?” Warden Malarkey pressed.

“Um, how did you—”

“I heard you tell the EMTs that Red Weaver was poisoned with the Kiss of Achlys.” Warden Malarkey drummed his fingers on the table’s wooden surface. “How does a zeta-level healer have that kind of classified information?”

Sam’s eyebrow rose. “C-classified?”

“The Kiss of Achlys is an alpha-grade poison that’s cataloged on the Wardens’ classified list of extremely dangerous substances. Its use and procurement are kept under lock and key inside a Wardens Relic Repository in Westchester,” Warden Malarkey explained.

“I... I didn’t know that,” Sam replied.